Happy Wednesday everyone! This week is flying by super fast because of the three day weekend.
Yesterday I got up and ran in the hot, hot heat. This week is going to be pretty killer in New York weather-wise. Nothing like 90 degree temperatures and humidity. I really feel myself getting stronger and my endurance is getting better too. When I was finished with my run, I felt like I could keep going, which was definitely not the case just a few weeks ago.
Since it was Tommy’s first day of work yesterday, I wanted to make him a yummy dinner to cheer him up because he’s been a little down about work. I wracked my brain for ideas about what to make, when I realized he’s been telling me to make Thai for a while because he loved it last time I made it. We are both huge fans of Thai noodles and there was a while when we would get Thai food at least once a week. That’s when I decided that it couldn’t be too hard to make Pad See Ew, our favorite, and started looking for a good recipe. The first time I made it, Tommy told me he liked my version better than the restaurant’s and we haven’t been back since.
Chicken Pad See Ew

- 16 ounces fresh wide, flat rice noodles
- 2 chicken breasts, sliced thinly
- 2 cups broccoli
- 2 eggs
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
- 4 tablespoons oyster sauce
- 4 tablespoons fish sauce
- 2 tablespoons vinegar
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- bean sprouts
Soak rice noodles in hot water for 25-30 minutes. Steam brocolli in a steamer until tender. Make a sauce by combining soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar, vinegar and garlic, set aside. In a non-stick skillet or wok, heat olive oil and add chicken breast. When fully cooked, remove from heat and add in eggs. Scramble eggs quickly, add in drained rice noodles and sauce which you prepared earlier. Stir fry until there is not much liquid left in the wok. Add in chicken and brocolli and cook for a few more minutes, mixing to combine. Take off heat and serve immediatly. Garnish with bean sprouts.
Soak rice noodles in hot water for 25-30 minutes. Steam brocolli in a steamer until tender. Make a sauce by combining soy sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce, sugar, vinegar and garlic, set aside. In a non-stick skillet or wok, heat olive oil and add chicken breast. When fully cooked, remove from heat and add in eggs. Scramble eggs quickly, add in drained rice noodles and sauce which you prepared earlier. Stir fry until there is not much liquid left in the wok. Add in chicken and brocolli and cook for a few more minutes, mixing to combine. Take off heat and serve immediatly. Garnish with bean sprouts.

After dinner, I took my boys to get haircuts, but since the right barber wasn’t there we decided to pass and get Starbucks instead. I had a Caramel Frappacino Light and Tommy had an Iced Caramel Latte, both yummy as usual.
Like most of the country, we got to talking about the Casey Anthony verdict and we were both shocked by the outcome of the case. I understand the way the legal system works and that the prosecution may have gotten a bit overzealous with the charge that would have given her the death penalty, but having her get off probably with serving little to no jail time makes me sick. All the signs pointed to the fact she did it and no normal mother would go out, party and get tattoos if their child went missing. I know when I lose sight of Alex for two minutes at the park, I start getting panicky, I can’t imagine what I would be going through if he was gone for 30 days. It really saddens me that she got off pretty much scott free, and she looked shocked herself when the verdict was read.
Like most of the country, we got to talking about the Casey Anthony verdict and we were both shocked by the outcome of the case. I understand the way the legal system works and that the prosecution may have gotten a bit overzealous with the charge that would have given her the death penalty, but having her get off probably with serving little to no jail time makes me sick. All the signs pointed to the fact she did it and no normal mother would go out, party and get tattoos if their child went missing. I know when I lose sight of Alex for two minutes at the park, I start getting panicky, I can’t imagine what I would be going through if he was gone for 30 days. It really saddens me that she got off pretty much scott free, and she looked shocked herself when the verdict was read.
After the verdict was read I went on Twitter to express my own anger and see what others were saying about it and something that stood out in my head was a tweet that said that Michael Vick got two years in prison for animal abuse, but Casey Anthony gets to go home after killing her daughter. This verdict really has me torn. As a law student, I want to believe in the American legal and justice system, but verdicts like this make me skeptical as to whether it really works well.
What do you think about the Casey Anthony trial outcome?
[…] Din-din was Chicken Pad See Ew, one of my favorite Thai dishes which I’ve gotten pretty darn good at making […]