Exploding Bread

I woke up to a delicious cereal bowl yesterday morning.  There will probably be a lot more cereal bowls showing up here in the near future because I picked up two more boxes of Kashi at CVS because they were buy one get one free.

After breakfast I took advantage of my Netflix Instant and did a Kickbox Bootcamp DVD.  
The DVD kicked my butt.  It’s separated into 5 10 minute segments, so you can do all five to get a full body workout of pick and choose to target specific body parts or just cardio. I will definitely be doing it again because I really enjoyed it and was a sweaty mess when I got done.  That’s always a sign of a good workout.
For dinner, I wanted to use the leftover meatballs and sauce I had from Tuesday’s dinner. I remembered a recipe that I saw on Courtney’s blog, Sweet Tooth Sweet Life and decided to give it a go.  Courtney calls this garbage bread, but it’s basically just a big Stromboli.  
I got the pizza dough from my favorite pizzeria, and was really surprised that it only cost $2.50 for enough dough to make a large pie.  That’s like half the price you pay for a tube of dough at the supermarkets and this is fresh and delicious.
I rolled out the dough into a semi-circular shape, which was an accomplishment in and of itself.  I’m not a big fan of rolling out dough and tend to stay away from recipes that require it.
I topped the dough with sauteed mushrooms, yellow peppers and onions.  On top of that I put some crushed up meatballs and sauce.  I topped it all off with mozzerela cheese and started rolling.
I put it into an oven preheated to 375 degrees and let it bake for about 40 minutes.  I have to admit, putting it into the oven a had a feeling that it was going to explode on the side because it felt like I rolled the dough out to thin in one spot… and it did.
When I peeked into the oven and saw that it popped the first image that popped into my head was this.
I’m weird, I know. 
Even with the explosion, the stromboli was delicious.  None of us could get enough, we all went back for seconds.  I also served some baked zucchini along side to add some more veggies to the meal.  
After dinner we headed outdoors to enjoy the weather.  We tried to go to the park at the peirs, but we drove around for 10 minutes and couldn’t find parking so we drove over to McCarren Park instead.  Munchkin had a great time running around on the monkey bars, and we joined him after reminiscing about our childhoods.  The monkey bars aren’t as easy when we were kids, granted we don’t weigh 40 pounds anymore either.  
Today we are going to visit my cousin Dorota because she had vacation for the next two weeks.  Her father and sister are coming from Poland next week, and we are both super excited.  
Have a great Thursday everyone!
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