Femme Fatal

The Britney Spears concert was a blast! Even though we didn’t have the best seats (we were in the row next to last) we had a blast dancing in the aisles and singing along with Britney.

Even though we were almost an hour late for the 7PM start that was listed on the tickets, we got there with just enough time to grab a beer and watch Nicki Minaj go on.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m not a big fan of Nicki and I don’t know many of her songs except for the ones on the radio, I couldn’t understand anything she was singing.  At one point, she had another rapper go on with her and the crowd went crazy, but I still don’t know who it was because I couldn’t understand what she was saying.  Oh well, I didn’t really care for her and honestly I was a little disappointed when I heard DJ Pauly D would be opening for Britney starting next week.

After Nicki Minaj was done, there was a really long intermission.  I’ve been to concerts before but I don’t remember the intermission being over 45 minutes.  We went outside to get some air because it was sweltering inside of Nassau Coliseum.  There was recently a vote on whether they should rebuild the place and they really should.  It’s insane that it was so hot in the arena.

After the intermission Britney came on, and it true Britney fashion, she blew the crowd away.  I’ve seen Britney Spears once before on her Dream Within a Dream tour and this was just as good.  There was a lot of good dancing and the effects were really cool.  The girl knows how to put on a show.  And all of those people who said her career was over when she had some problems are probably eating their words right now.

She did a good mix of her new songs and some of her old songs and it was really interesting to see that the crowd was mostly women in their 20s, which you don’t usually associate with Britney Spears, because she is seen as a teeny bopper artist. All of the teeny boppers grew up and still love Britney.

Now I’m pumped and really want to go to more concerts.  I tried super hard to get Taylor Swift tickets, but it’s nearly impossible.  Tommy even called American Express because they were sponsoring her tour to try to get tickets and they told him they could get him two tickets, just not next to each other.  I can only imagine how well that would’ve went.  An arena full of 12 year old girls and a random guy sitting alone in the crowd with them. Needless to say, we passed on those.

Before I headed out to the concert I made some dinner for my boys who were enjoying a quiet evening at home filled with car shows and pickles.  Halfway through the concert I got a text saying that Alex had gone into the kitchen and returned with a jar of pickles from the pantry and made Tommy feed him pickles.  Only Alex.

For dinner I cooked up some White Bean Chicken Chili which has quickly become a favorite in our house.

It’s so simple to make and soo good.  I also fried some fish that our neighbor brought over because he went fishing over the weekend.  It’s good to have outdoorsy neighbors, the fish was super fresh and so moist and flaky.

Now Munchkin and I are going to do some cleaning up because he has a talent, like no other, to go from zero to disaster in 2.5 seconds.  Have a great Wednesday!

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