Cheese and Turtles

Why does the week before a long weekend always drag on forever? I’m glad its finally Thursday because it means that we will be hitting up Philly tomorrow!

I started off yesterday morning with a run.  Instead of doing my usual run around the park, I set out in the opposite direction.  It felt really good to run through the streets taking in the sights of my town.  Running around the track had become tedious because I knew how many laps I had to do until I was “done.” This way I run until I feel I can’t anymore and walk it off or head home.

My first race is in a little over a month.  Even though it is only a 5K which is not really an extraordinary distance, its a big accomplishment for me.  I’m running the Run for the Wild 5K hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society, and this year’s run is to support turtles that are threatened by extinction.  If you’d like to help the cause, visit my pledge page.

While perusing Pinterest, I came upon a recipe for mozzarella sticks that were made my wrapping string cheese in an egg roll wrapper and deep frying them.  I loved the idea, but I didn’t love the frying, so I baked em instead. Mozzarella sticks are one of my favorite snack foods in the world, so I was hoping these would satisfy my cheesy craving.

To make the baked mozzarella sticks, all you do is cut your cheese stick in half, place it in the center of you egg roll wrapper, moisten the edges and roll it up like a little burrito.  After 15 minutes in the oven at 400 degrees, they are ready to be devoured.

They bake up crispy and brown on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside.  It’s nice to get the warm, gooey, cheesy center without the oil and grease. Totally hit the spot.  Since we were out of marinara sauce I ate mine with ketchup, but I eat almost everything with ketchup so this isn’t really out of the ordinary.

I just finished reading the last book of the Hunger Games this morning.  I’m hoping to hit up Borders sometime this weekend to get some new reading material.  Any recommendations?

What’s your favorite not so healthy snack food?

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