Yesterday I decided it was time to get back to running. Between the unbearable weather this summer and my chest cold, which made me cough up my lungs for weeks anytime I broke a sweat, I slacked off, big time. It felt really nice to get out into the crisp, fall air and do some…
Archives for October 2011
Don’t Drink the Paint Stripper
This weekend flew by way to quickly, but I guess all weekends do. After my stressful Friday, I enjoyed a laid back Saturday and Sunday. I started Saturday off with pumpkin pancakes. If you find a better way to start your morning, please contact me because I don’t think it’s possible. While making pancakes, I…
A Change of Plans
I had glorious plans for today. Munchkin and I were going to go to the farmer’s market, get some fresh fruits and veggies and make a yummy dinner to us to enjoy. Sadly, that couldn’t happen. Why, you may ask… We made a quick run to the supermarket yesterday and on our way home, instead…
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Good morning and happy Friday! What better way to kick off the weekend then with some Pumpkin Swirl French Toast. This stuff is soo good and so easy to make! I also wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas because apparently, we’ve already arrived in the holiday season. While we were waiting for our dishwasher…
Cold Weather Comfort Food
Fall has returned to New York with a vengeance. While I LOVE the cooler temps and the crisp air, I do not love the rain. Too bad it’s going to be raining for the next three days! Joy! When I wake up to a cold, rainy day all my belly wants is some warm, gooey,…