Bears, Fish and Cars

Yesterday started out like any other Wednesday. I woke up, had breakfast, did some intervals on the elliptical, hung out with my Munchkin. Just after I enjoyed my lunch which was one of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever had, the doorbell rang. To my surprise, Tommy has gotten to take a half day and was home super early!

After a quick shower for myself, we were off too the mall to find ourselves some birthday outfits. Like usual, I ended up getting nothing for myself and spoiled Munchkin. We stopped into H&M where I found the whole kids section covered in Cars clothing. I got Munchkin his birthday shirt and a shnazzy pair of Cars kick for $20!

We browsed around for a bit more and picked up some new makeup samples at Sephora before making our way to the exit. I have to say, whoever designed the layout of the mall was a smart cookie for putting the Build-A-Bear Workshop as the last store you see on your way out, because it lured us in.Lucky for Munchkin, because he got a great Birthday gift.

When we saw Alvin in the window, we knew he had to come home with us. Alvin and the Chipmunks is Munchkin’s favorite movie and he was so excited to build his bear. If you’ve ever been to Build-A-Bear, you know how they make you choose a heart, kiss it and put it in your bear.  Munchkin chose the heart, but when the girl stuffing his bear told him to kiss it, he went in to kiss her. Little ladies man, I tell ya! Once the bear was done, Munchkin refused to let anyone carry it for him. We got a bunch of comment from people about how cute he looks dragging the big box behind him.

Since shopping can really wear a person out, we decided to refuel with some sushi! It was our first sushi trip since before Christmas, and both of us had been craving for weeks. We went to Sushi Village since it was on the way home, and, as usual, all the food was great.

I started out with a seaweed salad.  This is something I’ve seen on the menu forever, but was scared to try it because I wasn’t sure I’d like it. I decided to give it a shot this time and I am so glad I did. It tasted crisp and had a great flavor.

We shared an order of Tempura Shrimp before moving on to sushi. It was perfectly crispy and Munchkin was crazy about the stuff.

The sushi, as always, was delish. My favorite roll was the Pink Lady – spicy tuna, salmon and avocado wrapped in pink soy paper. Their sashimi is also spot on and always fresh. I could eat the salmon sashimi for days.


Plans for today include doing the grocery shopping for Munchkin’s party and possibly baking up come very yummy cupcakes. Keep those cupcakes in mind, I’ll be back to show them off along with a special surprise. 😉

Have a great Thursday and stay dry, if it’s monsooning in your area, like it is in NYC.

What was best birthday gift you’ve ever received? If you eat sushi, what’s you favorite kind?

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  1. Munchkin look so excited at Build a bear workshop haha.
    I love going to out sushi. My favorite is spicy tuna and mango sushi. It's so good!

    • He was soo excited! Especially since the Alvin bear came with an Alvin sound thingy – he kept dancing to the song.

  2. I love munchkin's birthday outfit! He looks super happy in Build A Bear! Too cute 🙂

    The best birthday gift I ever recieved was my engagement ring. I waited a very long time for that ring! Haha. I love the southwestern roll at Aariang! It's so good.

  3. Munchkin is so cute!! It sounds like he had such a fun time in Build-A-Bear. Whoever came up with the concept for that store is a genius. So creative 🙂 Glad you all had a great day!

    • Seriously! They have everything you could think of for bears in that store. It's pretty awesome. Hope you're having a good one. :)Sent from my iPhone.


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