Warm January Weekend

Hello and Happy Monday everyone. Those words don’t roll off the tongue quite as well as Happy Friday, but it’ll do. We spent a relaxing weekend in the Poconos and thoroughly enjoyed the effects of global warming gorgeous weather.

Since it was close to 60 degrees on Saturday, Munchkin and I were wilderness explorers.

We set out for a long walk and instead of jumping into his stroller as soon as we got out of the cul de sac, Munchkin marched on, up and down the hills, for at least a quarter of our 2 1/2 miles. He also enjoyed the crunchy leaves on the sides of the road which should be covered up by snow at this time.

On Sunday, my parents gave Munchkin his birthday present. They got him a fancy power wheels car, but all he wanted to do was push it around instead of ride in it.

We also did some shopping on Sunday evening, and I got almost all the needed supplies for Munchkin’s party. The house will be Cars-ified on Friday night. I can’t wait!

While we were out supply shopping, I also picked up some great new items that I wanted to share with you guys.

I stumbled upon these babies over New Year’s weekend and had to repurchase them. I love English Muffins with cream cheese and jam, but since these already have cranberries baked in them, you can skip the jelly. I am also a sucker for things that are labeled limited edition and have to repurchase if I see them becuase next time I’m at the supermarket, they might be all out. Marketing trap I tell you!

I also picked up another carton of Silk Almond Dark Chocolate Milk. Munchkin and I are both huge fans of the stuff and it makes my morning coffee taste like a mocha. Win!

The last interesting thing that I got over the weekend are Tofu Shiritaki Noodles. They are a low carb and low calorie Japanese noodle which Hungry Girl uses in lots of her recipes. I’ve never seen them in my supermarket before, so when I saw them I decided to give them a shot. I’ve heard both good and bad things about them, so hopefully they won’t be a dud.

I’ve got a bunch of errands to run today. I feel like this last week off from school is going to zoom by because of Munchkin’s birthday party. I don’t want to go back to school!

Have a great Monday!

What did you do this weekend? Make any supermarket discoveries lately?


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  1. I've also heard mixed reviews about the shirataki noodles I'm interested to hear your thoughts! Don't forget to rinse them!

  2. I'd love to hear your thoughts about the noodles too…I have also heard mixed reviews and have never tried them myself.

    Your son is too cute pushing that big car!


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