A Few Changes

I’m sure you’ve all noticed a few changes around here in the past few days. What do you think of the new layout?

I am totally in love with it and want to send a million thank yous to Dana from Designs by Dana for putting it all together! Check out her website she’s an amazing lady!

I also spent some time this week working on revamping some of my other pages. I updated my recipes page, which now has a fancy drop down menu, and my contact page. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m very happy with how it’s all coming along.

I had big plans for breakfast this morning, but when I went to check if I had all the ingredients I found this.

Womp womp womp… all out of flour. No waffles for us. 🙁

So instead I decided to make egg tacos, also know as something I totally made up as I went along. I took two eggs and fried them up as two separate little “taco shells” then I filled em with a bit of salsa and shredded cheese.

They don’t look to hot, but they were pretty tasty and totally filled me up.

Munchkin and I are planning on going to the park because the weather is finally looking up after the last two days of rain. We’re also taking a trip to Trader Joe’s so I can pick up some things for the Foodie Blog Swap I’m participating in. I send a package to a fellow blogger in the UK and I get some English goodies sent to me. Can’t wait to share what I get!

Have a great weekend!

What are your plans for the weekend?


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  1. Your day sounds similar to mine! I’m just about to walk down to the post office to post my foodie blog swap parcel to you (exciting! Hope it reaches you soon & you like everything!) and then we’re taking the children to the park as it’s lovely and sunny here as well 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • That's so funny! I hope you like what I sent! I can't wait to get your package! Have a great weekend! 🙂

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