My Latest Obsessions aka What I’m Loving Wednesday

Even though it’s only been two days, I feel like I’ve been away from blogging for a long time. I guess it’s been a loong two days, that’s why it’s making the short period of time feel a lot longer.

Things have been a bit of a whirl since Monday night, when Munchkin woke up from a nap a very unhappy baby. The rest of the evening and night was filled with a lot of snuggling and soothing and after a phone call from a nurse, we found out that he probably had an ear infection and we would have to go back to the doctor on Tuesday. Luckily, on Tuesday Munchkin woke up feeling a lot better, but we still went to the doctor who confirmed that he did have an ear infection and would have to take antibiotics for the first time in his life. I’m very proud that he has been healthy for this long and his little immune system is strong enough to fight off the infection that have come his way, so far. I used to work as a pharmacy tech in college and I would cringe at mothers who came in month after month getting antibiotics for their seemingly healthy looking kids – it only takes away from the kid’s immune system and makes them more likely to have to use antibiotics the next time they are sick. It’s kind of a Catch 22 I guess, but I’m glad that my little man is feeling much better.

Since I was all over the place yesterday, with going to court from work and to the city to take Munchkin to the pediatrician, I didn’t have much time to eat. And when I finally got to eat, I was too hungry to remember to take a photo for WIAW. So, instead of WIAW this week, I’m giving you WILW – What I’m Loving Wednesday. These are some of my favorite things as of late, and it’s the perfect way to share my latest obsessions!

First up on my list are Twistbands.

I’ve got a lot of hair and regular hair ties always snap when I try to make a bun or ponytail that it tight enough. I first tried Twistbands thanks to Birchbox and when I realized I had a credit with Birchbox for being a monthly subscriber, I used to to buy these babies. They are super soft, don’t pull out your hair and stretch as far as you need them to, to get your hair up. Love!

Next up is a scent – White Citrus. I fell in love with this smell when it first appeared in Bath and Body Works a few months ago, but their last Buy 3, Get 3 Free sale sent me on a White Citrus kick.

I’m usually not a big fan of citrusy scents because I feel they smell like Lemon Pine Sol, but the white citrus smells deliciously refreshing. The BBW website describes it as a mixture of Crisp Lemon, Invigorating Grapefruit, Lush Waterlily and Alluring Ginger Flower. Amazing!

The following item also came out of a Birchbox (they have been sending me some good stuff lately). The Sugar Lip Treatment has been keeping my lips super soft. Usually when I get sick, my lips get very dry and cracked, but I’ve been using this religiously to great results.

It also has a bit of a rosey colored tint which has helped quite a bit to brighten my sickly face.

Another thing I’m loving is the fitness kick I’ve been on thanks to the Best Body Bootcamp. I’ve become a regular exerciser and I could not be happier with this fact. I’m getting my pretty nice arm muscles and I can’t wait for tank top season to start showing off the guns. 😉

My current greatest obsession is CB2. I texted Tommy this morning that I’ve found the place where I want to register when I get married. Now I just have to wait for someone to ask me! 😉 I hope my boss isn’t reading this, but I spent a good chunk of my workday ogling away at pages of dishes, furniture, and other home accessories. Here are a few of the things I need to buy, like right now.

If anyone wants to purchase any of these wonderful things for me, I’ll be more than happy to send you my shipping address. I’m only half kidding. 😉

I feel like there was another thing I wanted to include on this list, but it seems to have slipped my mind. Maybe I don’t love it that much at all!

Have a great Wednesday!

What is your latest love/obsession?





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  1. I'm so glad your little guy is feeling better and will keep my fingers crossed that the antibiotics knock out the ear infection quickly. Those are no fun as an adult and it has to be even worse for a child 🙁

    Lately I'm loving China Glaze's nail polish collection that's named for The Hunger Games. I bought three of the colors and adore them all!

  2. I'm glad that munchkin is feeling better! It's no good being sick and I only imagine it's much worse for kids when they are sick. CB2 looks awesome! I love that stuff you posted 🙂

    Lately I've been loving cinnamon bagels. I don't know why but I guess I'm on a cinnamon kick.

  3. Those twist bands look so cool!!! I love the library lately. Lol. I checked out 9 books for my trip. Yay public libraries!

  4. Good luck at boot camp! hope you have a great time. And love the idea of those hair ties!

    hope you had a great weekend 🙂

    {I have a giveaway going on right now. Love for you to enter!}

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