Sensible Snacking WIAW

Let me start off by saying Happy National Running Day! Lace up those sneakers and get a few miles under your belt. I know I’ll be out there this afternoon!

When I saw what Jen had up her sleeve for June’s WIAW, I thought to myself, now this is something I can be good at. Serial snacker over here!


Luckily, I’m usually a pretty sensible snacker and usually turn to fruit when I’m feeling snacky if there is no chocolate in the house, of course. Let’s get to the eats!

Breakfast was packed to the brim with strawberries and therefore DELICIOUS!

Kashi Strawberry Fields cereal, topped with freshly sliced strawberries and with the last strawberry muffin on the side. Those babies went quick!

Honest Tea was on sale at the supermarket this week, so I picked up a few or 10. They are my favorite iced tea. Not too sweet, not too bitter, just right!

When I got home from work I was starved since I didn’t bring lunch with me. I had some stuffed cabbage that my mom had made the day before.

It might not look too hot, but trust me this stuff is good. We Polaks love our cabbage! πŸ˜‰

I was in the mood for something on the sweeter side after finishing my lunch, so I turned to sensible snack numero uno…grapes!

After my food settled, I decided to go for a run. Even though I was still super sore from Sunday’s workout (which I’ll be sharing manana) I pushed through to finish 2.15 miles in 30 minutes. Not my best, but not my worst!

After my run, it was time for dinner. I was in the mood for something packed with veggies, but not a salad. I sauteed spinach, green peppers, tomatoes and black beans which I topped with a dippy egg.

And of course no day is complete with just one snack, so snack numero dos came into play after Munchkin hit the sack and mommy had some time on the computer.

Banana with half a packet of Justin’s Honey Almond Butter. The rest of the packet may or may not have gone directly into my mouth. So good!

The only things missings from my day of eats are two cups of coffee and a whooole lot of water. I am trying to stay on top of my June goals!

Have an awesome Wednesday!

What’s the best thing you ate yesterday? What’s your favorite sensible snack?

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  1. Yum. Breakfast and dinner look amazing!!!

    Best thing I ate yesterday? I crushed up some blue corn tortilla chips and covered them with black beans, tomatoes, peppers, olives and a bit of shredded cheese. Soooo good πŸ™‚
    Haley @ Climb Run Lift Mom recently posted..Pulling CobblesMy Profile

    • They are definitely a comfort food for me too. Reminds me of my childhood. I love left overs..I always get to go boxes when we go out to eat.

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