Tuesday Things

I constantly have a ton of things swirling around my head that I want to share, but I stink at writing things down and they usually go unshared. I know there are probably a million other things I’ve been wanting to share, but these will have to do for now.

1. I read an article in the New York Times over the weekend that made me kind of sad. Had ‘Organic’ Been Oversized? talks about how many of the small organic companies that I love have been bought out by big conglomerates and how the organic label on our foods is slowly but surely being tainted. Very interesting read!

2. I am in love with my new Camelbak Groove bottle. It is the best of both worlds – Camelbak and filtration bottle.

3. I am addicted to RealBeanz Iced Coffee made with Coconut Water. If you can find the stuff try it! Not only do you get the pick me up of the caffeine, you don’t get as dehydrated as you would with traditional coffee thanks to the Coconut Water. I’m enjoying coconut water..who am I? I used to think I hate the stuff!

4. I am no longer a strickly solo runner! I went for a run with Tommy and his brother today and it was a lot of fun. We ran to a nearby park and used the grown up jungle gym to do pushups, dips and pullups…or in my case make a fool of myself attempting them. Tons of fun, either way!

5. I am getting a home gym! Tommy’s parents just finished moving out of their old house and since the boys aren’t living at home, this baby was going to get trashed until I stepped in to offer it a good home. We’re picking it up this week and I am SO excited!And not to mention perfect timing. The weights I bought a few months back were starting to feel a bit to light to me lately during my arm workouts!

6. Crossfit won’t be happening for another two weeks. I am so bummed, but the Foundations classes we have to take before starting WODs have been filling up like nuts. We’re on the wait list for next week, so here’s to hoping some people drop out!

7. I need to invest in a cute little notebook to start writing blog things down. I swear, I had much more to share, but I am blanking right now!

Share some news – what are your Tuesday Things?


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    • It is incredible. I\’m not usually a fan of bottled coffee drinks, but this stuff is after my heart.

    • Send some of those notebooks my way! I actually found a cute little pink one which I am carrying around in my purse.

      I was hesitant about the coffee at first too, but the guy at the deli is usually a pretty good judge of taste for me and told me he liked it. I\’m so glad I gave it a shot!

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