A Good Week WIAW

Hi I’m Sylvia and I love to eat! (As if you didn’t know that already) I love WIAW because it lets me look back on what I ate over the week and think to myself, damn I ate some good stuff. Thank you Jenn for being a genius and inventing WIAW. You rock lady! Now let’s move on to the good stuff I ate, because there is quite a bit of it!


I shall start with my favorite thing of the week – Thai Peanut Spaghetti Squash. It was so good that I had seconds and ate it for breakfast the next day. No shame!

Numero dos on the list is this watermelon, arugula and Feta salad. Light, refreshing, tasty…the perfect summer salad.

Sushi is my year-round staple. I could eat it every day, but my wallet prevents that from happening. If I ever win the lottery, I’m hiring a personal sushi chef.

Dippy eggs are another S4L – staple for life! Luckily, I make a mean dippy egg so no personal egg chef required.

Let’s move on to the indulgent snackage. I couldn’t resist the Salted Caramel Sauce that I got in this month’s Foodie Pen Pals package. It was calling my name from the pantry, so I gave in. I had it with apple slices, so it basically cancelled out the caramel sauce, right?

And you can’t call it a good week if there is no fro yo involved. End.of.story. There were actually two fro yo trips this week, so you know it was a goooood one!

Lastly, I leave you with an inquiry…

Has anyone ever tried coconut milk yogurt? I only bought one on my last trip to Whole Foods and it took me about a week to try it, and when I did it was chunky and kind of weirdly textured. I wasn’t able to make out the date on the back, so I’m not sure if it’s just an acquired taste, or did I eat expired yogurt. Help?!

What’s the best thing you ate this week? What’s your favorite fro yo combo?

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  1. That thai peanut spaghetti squash looks so good! I love eating stuff like that leftover for breakfast too. So far this week, I think the best thing I’ve had all week was a scoop of mint chip ice cream on a sugar cone– yum!

  2. oh man! i absolutely LOVE SUSHI! the pic you posted looks awesome!! the best thing i ate this week was a spaghetti dish made with zucchini “noodles” and turkey meat balls. it was super delish!!! SPA love! oh, and any fro yo combo is my favorite! i LOVE it!

  3. Sushi is my all-time favorite meal!!!

    Fro-yo looks amazing. Mmm!

    Thai Peanut Spag. Squash…drool.

    Great lookin’ eats you got going on 🙂

  4. Definitely craving some fro yo right about now…

    As far as coconut yogurt is concerned…I have tried it, and I LOVE it! I don’t remember my yogurt being all chunky and weirdly textured though. It was pretty smooth and delicious. Unfortunately it’s hard to find where I live so I tend to stock up whenever I come across it 🙂 Happy WIAW!

  5. Really interested in the responses for the coconut yogurt! I can’t eat Greek yogurt any more, so I am on the look out for different types that I can eat.

    Favorite fro yo topping use to be- A waffle cone filled with vanilla soft serve from TCBY. Topped with mounds and mounds of little cookie dough balls. I could never finish it all!

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