I am amazed at how quickly the summer is flying by. Wasn’t it just the end of May? Can we rewind a little bit because I am not ready to go back to school. I actually just purchased my books yesterday and my wallet and I wept.
Looking back on my July goals, I didn’t do so bad. So let’s reverse before we go forward and do a run down of July’s successes and failures.
1. Go to Crossfit 3 times a week. SUCCESS! We were only able to start Crossfit halfway through the month, but I’ve been there three times a week and am already signed up for two weeks in advance for WODs three days a week. I love Crossfit!
2. Run at least 2 times a week. This goal didn’t go over too well. The first two weeks of Crossfit left me a bit too sore to attempt any runs, but I did get out and run yesterday.
3. Cook at least 3 times a week. DONE!
4. Really start potty training Munchkin. We are there! As long as I don’t put a diaper or pull-ups on him, he uses the potty. We are still working on going pull-up-less for trips outside of the house and at night, but I am so proud of how well he is doing.
5. Sign up for the pool with Munchkin and go to weekly Mommy and Me Swim classes. FAIL. I need to work out my schedule and make this happen. It might involve a 6am wake-up for Crossfit instead of doing the 11am WOD on Fridays. I need to get him in the pool because he loves it! Check him out on the water slide at my uncle’s over the weekend. The boy has no fear!
6. Learn to use my new camera. I’ll give this one a maybe. I didn’t learn as much as I wanted to, but I still played with my camera quite a bit. Then again, there will always be room for improvement.
My August goals include some of the same, something new and dare I say it, some school related goals. Yuck!
1. Crossfit at least 3 times a week. I only have a month of unlimited classes thanks to Groupon so I need to take advantage. Looking to the future, I think I might have to scale my membership down to be able to afford Crossfit long term.
2. Workout while on vacation. Tommy, Munchkin and I are heading down to Virginia towards the end of the month, and while I am planning on indulging and being in vacation mode, I don’t want to loose the progress I’ve made in the workout department. Can you can travel WODs?
3. Stick with the Paleo challenge. My box is having a Paleo challenge and I am being weighed in this afternoon. I’ve read tons about Paleo and found tons of recipes, so I am really hoping I can stick with it for the month and possibly beyond. I am however, going to be much more lenient when on vacation. I am a foodie at heart and I can’t pass up food that I may never be able to try again.
4. RUN. I don’t want to put specific numbers on this goal, but I want to get out there and do it. My races are creeping forward and I need to be prepared.
5. Get ahead on my reading for classes. I have already purchased my books, and they should be arriving shortly, so it’s time to put the put in gear and actually crack them open before it’s too late.
What are your goals for August?
Ooh, looking forward to hearing about how the Paleo challenge goes – I’m getting really interested in it!
Charissa recently posted..Superwoman and her Trusty Shopping List (guest post)
Nice goals!
I’m pretty much still taking it easy for August, but I’m trying to get more in the workout habit again. I’d really gotten out of the habit of finding time to work out since it was so easy while the kids were in school, but I’ve been doing better this week.
MCM Mama recently posted..iFitness phone/ipod armband review
Great job on your goals and yay for potty training! That’s great that you’re liking Crossfit. I definitely want to try it sometime soon!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Get Your Good Going
Congrats on your success!!! All very exciting!!! What type of classes are you taking?
It’s great you’re doing Crossfit! I have to get ready to go back to school, too, and not totally ready to go back yet. In a couple weeks I hope I will be. Good job ordering your books ahead of time. Good luck! Keep up the success!
Yoli recently posted..Liebster Award!
Love your blog.. did you design it yourself? How old is your son? Have you just started potty training. I hope you have as easy of a time as we did! 🙂 I just started CrossFit today… I am scared it might be an addiction! 🙂 I am *thinking* of doing Paleo the next four weeks..And I love your new shoes! 🙂
Your newest follower and fellow SPA sista
Cassey recently posted..Keeping my life simple!
great goals!! i know you can reach them! keep working hard!!! my main goal for august is absolutely NO POP!! im a diet coke addict, and so far i haven’t had a single one since august first, so im doing well!!! SPA love
I think you have great goals listed there! 🙂 My goals are to read more books. I haven’t read any in a while. I also really want to focus on my health and getting better. My health is going to be my main focus.
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope recently posted..Two Years Of Blogging!…
Congrats on the potty training, we’re starting that now, so seeing other people’s successes gives me hope 🙂
Have fun on your vacation!
Siobhan recently posted..Weekly Chase Week 2
Glad you’re loving CrossFit so much ! Great job on your July goals and good luck with August.
Give Paleo your best if you want to see the max results from it. Take advantage of online resources like balancedbites.com, paleononpaleo.com, and others that have fantastic tips. I know paleononpaleo has a page specifically on sticking to it, even on VACA! Maybe that will help 🙂
Good luck!
Meredith @ DareYouTo recently posted..Try Chobani Creations
How cute is that picture of Munchkin on top of the slide?! He looks like he’s having such a great time! 🙂
Shari recently posted..Five reasons why Emily Giffin rocks.
You’re doing great! My biggest goal for August is to stay on top of the back to school schedule and make the transition without missing workouts. Oh and a little weightloss would be great too.
Congrats on achieving some of your goals, especially potty training – that’s one of the hardest. Good luck on your goals this week!!!
Pam Gordon recently posted..Mamavation Monday – Week 10 of marthon training redone
Fantastic goals! Way to get on the crossfit wagon! I’m dying to try it but have to come up with the funds to join up first! Haven’t nailed down my August goals just yet. With a toddler and a baby in the house, I tend to do weekly goals instead of monthly because change happens daily around here!
Steph @fitmomtraining recently posted..Body After Baby: The Unwelcome Aunt
Good luck with working out on vacation! I get so exhausted on most of my vacations that I shirk on working out. Even though I know that’s awful. Go get August, girl!
And I haven’t even looked at my books for school yet. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂
Amanda @ Run Principessa recently posted..A Day Off
Great job with the goals!
My goals for August –
1. Stop crying that summeri s almost over and enjoy every moment I can.
2. RUN! Last month my mileage was 151. This month I want to see 160.
3. Roll – 3 x a week.
4. Move into my new classroom.
Jen recently posted..Have You Inspired Someone Today?