Yesterday was my last Crossfit Foundations class, so that means that starting today I can participate in the regular WODs! Even though I am super excited, I am taking today off to rest, and hitting the box Friday morning.
Our coach Justin said that there are boxes that don’t require people to start with foundations, and I find that to be insane. In the last two weeks, I have learned more about proper form than I have in my previous 24 years.
The first week of Foundations left me really, really sore. On day one, we started out with squats. As I mentioned earlier, I have been doing half squats my whole life and calling them squats. That obviously did not fly here. After learning squats, back squats and overhead squats we moved onto pushups. I will be able to do a pushup one day without collapsing halfway, I swear!
Day two brought deadlifts, presses, push presses, burpees and ab mat sit ups. I think I actually kind of enjoy burpees. When those words leave my mouth, I seriously think, who the heck am I.
Day three brought upon my love/hate relationship with double unders. Thanks to lots of practice I am able to jump, jump, double under at least five times in a row. Slowly but surely heading to all double unders. We also did pull-up, wall balls and ball slams. We did a mini WOD at the end of Foundations 3 consisting of wall balls and ball slams that left my hamstring screaming for the next two days.
After four days off from Crossfit, I was itching to get back to the box. We took turns trying out the Glute Ham Back Machine and at first it felt so wierd to be hanging upside down, but once I got the hang of it, it was a great workout that I was feeling the next day. We also practiced front squats with a real bar, which felt super weird against my neck, but it’s supposed to feel that way according to Justin.
Foundations five was bench press, L sits, box jumps and kettlebell swings. Box jumps were one of the things that I was super excited about and I managed to get up onto the 20 inch box a couple times. We also did a fun mini-WOD at the end which had us work in pairs – 10 kettlebell swings and 10 alternating box jumps. L sits also reaffirmed the fact that I possess almost no upper body strength. Hopefully that will be changing shortly!
Justin said that Foundations 6 would be one of the most difficult days mentally, and he was soo right. We reviewed deadlifts then moved into sumo deadlift high pulls. From there we moved onto power cleans and power snatches. We practiced the power cleans with medicine balls, and I got the hang of those pretty well, but the power snatches eluded me. Practice makes perfect!
And thus completes my first two weeks of Crossfit. I can still happily say that I love it. I look forward to the WODs and to learning something new everyday. I also signed up for a Paleo challenge that the box is having for the month of August. We’re supposed to get an email from the nutritionist by Monday, so I can’t wait to see what he’s going to say! Isn’t it crazy how so much can change in just two weeks?!
Are you taking part in any challenges in August?
Wow. That sounds intense! I think that one of the reasons that I’m intimidated by crossfit is because all of the different moves and the fact that I’m not sure if I know how to do them correctly. Glad to know that most boxes require a foundations course but that’s crazy that some don’t!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Quinoa Obsessed
I was really intimidated going in, but my coach was amazing at showing us all the moves and making sure that we knew what we were doing before going into the regular WODs. If it wasn\’t for the foundations, I\’d be so lost!
This is fantastic!! I am very interested in Crossfit yet it scares the crap out of me cause while I’ve been exposed to modified Crossfit style workouts in my home courtesy of Bob Harper’s website, andI love the AMRAPs EMOTM etc style workouts I know that being in a Box is a WHOLE different can of worms! I love that you did a foundation class and find it crazy that not all Boxes do that! Seems so important! Rock it girl! I’m excited to follow your Crossfit journey!
Go for it lady! Being in a box makes you push more than you through possible. I was super intimidated going in, but everyone is so happy to help you achieve your best!
loved reading this! i think the foundations classes are so important!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Roasted Cherry Goat Cheese
Thanks! Without the Foundations, I\’d be so lost!
Wow, intense workout! Great job finishing the foundations class, I am sure you learned a lot 🙂 Good luck with the Paleo challenge.
Jen recently posted..Hills for breakfast
I learned soo much and I can\’t wait to put it all to use in WODs! Thanks, I need luck! 😉
I love this post… had no idea about Foundation! This whole cross-fit thing is a real puzzle to me. I am so interested and the more I can read as an observer, the more intrigued I become.
I will be following your story with great interest.
Elle recently posted..Grain-Free Gluten-Free and Paleo Almond Butter Pancakes
I hope that I play a part in inspiring you to try Crossfit one day! Foundations are super important in my opinion. I know that without them, I would be completely lost!
Great job! I like the idea of hte foundations classes. Our box does not have them but all workouts for people that are “3 months or less” are scaled down or different than everyone else’s. I totally know what you mean about thinking you were doing squats your whole life when you weren’t. I felt the same way…you gotta get down there! Anyway, congrats and I’m so glad to have another crossfit lover around. Now, I shall add you to my Google Reader because I love all things Crossfit 🙂
Ericka @ The Sweet Life recently posted..Top Posts, New Blogs, Pins & More
I, too, am so intrigued by Crossfit and want to try it, but like others, am scared!!! I wish one of those people lived near me. Oh, how I would love to start this with someone else who feels the same as me.
There is a FitFluential Crossfit group on Facebook. Maybe try posting there to see if anyone in your area is interested in trying Crossfit or already does it and could help you on your journey!
My gym does not require foundations class. How does your gym mandate that? are they like private lessons or a special class you have to find time to take? What if you can only go in the early am or after work? My trainer was great to show me the moves along the way and because I was not prescribed at the start, she worked the progressive moves as I was ready to learn them.
wymberley recently posted..A Swimmer Is Born
The Foundations are held as group classes separate from the daily WODs. They happen over two weeks- 3 days a week. There are morning and evening classes that you can chose from and they are super flexible in making up the skills learned on a different if you can\’t make it. For me personally, I feel that without the classes, I would\’ve been completely lost. I never really worked with weights other than barbells and had no idea what proper form would look like. Even though there were some people in the classes who were more advanced than I was, everyone was in agreement that the Foundations helped them with their form immensely.
Nice job! 😀 I really want to do CrossFit even more now! I was told that some CrossFit “instructors” can get certified in about a week and then immediately start throwing heavy snatches and cleans at their newbie trainees. That’s just ridiculous! I’m glad to hear that you did it the right way. I can’t read to follow along with your WODs! 🙂
Brittany recently posted..Liebster Blog Award
How exciting. But your post made me tired just reading it! Were your foundation classes one day after another? my body would be screaming DOMs. but am hoping to sign up soon to my local box. they have the foundation classes too. Which every box should have. Have fun trying the paleo diet! Looking forward to your updates.
BTW, “enjoy burpees” really??? The spartan wod that came in my email yesterday was “Buck Furpees Day” 300 burpees whether done all at once of 30 x 10 mini workouts. 😉
Christine @ Oatmeal Bowl recently posted..Lemony Orzo Salad with Chicken
Fantastic! One of the things I love about crosss-fit is the focus on form. I just makes sense.
Good luck!! recently posted..Cross Fit – Sweaty mess and amazing workout
I just bought a Groupon today for a month of Crossfit with 4 foundationals. I’ve never tried it before and I’m pretty darn excited 🙂
Heather@Just a Colorado Gal recently posted..Trail Running at Chautauqua
I LOVE reading about this. Congrats on everything you’ve learned. So jealous of those du’s!!! I’ll get them!!! I need a video!! Lol.
corrie anne recently posted..Blueberry Lime Salsa + Morning Creativity Is Overrated
Great site. Thanks for writing that. I’ll check to your site to find out more and recommend my neighbors about this site.