After a few mishaps and an unexpected trip over the Brooklyn Bridge (we missed a turn!) I finally made it to the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott to pick up my first ever packet for my first ever race, The Color Run. Walking into the venue, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but when I was these signs all over the place, I knew I was in for a good time.
On race day, I woke up around 5:30 on Saturday morning, put on my white t-shirt that I laid out the night before and headed out the door to get my Color Run on. The traffic started a few miles outside of the race site, and when I saw cars full of white shirted people, I started to get really excited. We took our before photos and made out way to the start line.
At the start line, I learned that 25,000 people were doing to do the Color Run over two days and that I was one of 12,500 who would be leaving that day covered from head to toe in colored dust. The pre-race entertainment did a good job of hyping everyone up. We did the wave a few times and danced a lot. When our wave finally made its way to the start line, I was super pumped to get running.
I’m not sure how much time elapsed between the first and second waves, but the first finisher passed us before we hit the first color zone. I wasn’t sure how the whole colorification process would work, but it was a lot of fun. The volunteers did a good job of covering us with the various colors and we ran, walked, jumped and danced through the color points.
Oh yea, and did color angels, in blue, which in hindsight was a good idea for me, since I had a baby shower to attend just two hours after the run, in a sleeveless dress.
When we got the the finish line, we took the mandatory jump pic and walked around and got some snacks and drinks from the different tents that were set up. We had just missed the first Color Explosion by just a few seconds, but we were super excited for the next one
to happen in 10 minutes.
The Color Explosion countdown began and we scurried to get near the stage for maximum color reach. The DJ started to count down and we ripped open our color packets and got ready to throw. The Color Explosion was slightly suffocating due to the incredible amount of powder in the air, but it looked amazing from both inside and out.
I left the race with a huge smile on my face, but not before getting dusted off with a leaf blower.
Overall, I think my first 5k was an awesome experience, and even though it wasn’t a real timed race, I had a blast. I’ve also already recruited some people to do it again next year. Can’t wait!
WOW! You are so brave! I think I would have an asthma attack in that! LOL It looks like you had a blast, though. Love the last shot of you jumping. Awesome.
SPA love. 😉
Run DMT recently posted..Tarpon Springs Triathlon
I Love Color Run recaps. I am doing one in Nashville in October and cannot wait! Looks like such fun! Enjoy your day! SPA love.
Glenneth recently posted..Random Wednesday
looks like so much fun! you did great! i love all the pictures. i need to get myself signed up for one of these color runs! spa love!
Oh my gosh! What a perfect race to pick for your first 5K. Looks SO fun and I can’t wait to do one when it comes to ATL again!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Thursday Thoughts: Daily & Deliberate
That looks like it was soo much fun! What a great experience for your first race! I`ve always wanted to do a color run… Maybe I`ll have to do a little searching today! hehehee
Abby recently posted..A Few Facts That Changed My Thinking
OMG Such fun pics! I can’t wait to do it here in Tampa in December! 😉 SPA <3
Kat @ sneakers & fingerpaints recently posted..Throwback Thursday!
Looks like so much fun! Love the dust filled pictures. recently posted..Take My Own Advice
I’ve heard a lot of the color run lately and didn’t really know what it was – thanks for the insight! Looks like it was a lot of fun and congrats on finishing your first race. Looks like it was such a success. Might have to sign up for this one if it heads to my city!
Dana @ Conscious Kitchen Blog recently posted..The Best Biscuit You’ll Ever Eat
Awesome pictures. That looks like so much fun!! I so want to do a color run!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..5 Lessons on Injury
How can you not have fun? I’m even smiling just looking at your colourful photos!
A-Ma-Zing! xx
Laura @ scribbles and sass recently posted..One singular sensation.
ahhh I’m so jealous! this looks like so much fun! I am definitely signing up next year! thanks for the recap! (:
That is a huge color run!
I’ve never done one, but I don’t think I would like it. Doesn’t the color powder get in your nose, eyes, and ears? Does it stick to you because of the sweat?
Maybe I’m too boring with my running. I’m glad you enjoyed it though!
Elle @TheWay recently posted..Friday Vegetarian Potluck LinkUp & Bruschetta Pasta
I Love seeing pics from these! Definitely a good one for a first 5k!
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