I must confess, I am a tech junkie. My phone is glued to my hand way too often and I am always carrying around my charger in case my battery dies. If there is an app for that, I probably already have it on my iPhone and iPad. That being said, technology isn’t always a bad thing. It can make our lives easier, more organized and in check. There are thousands, maybe millions, of fitness apps on the market these days, and while I haven’t tried them all yet, I wanted to share my thought on three that I really enjoy.
First up is iFit Running. Run tracking apps are a dime a dozen these days and I have about four on my phone right now, (I may be an app hoarder) but iFit running is my go to running app lately. I really like its interface and that is it easy to use with the quick start option. I also really like that it’s not your typical tracking app where you press start and go. You can get it for distance, time and calories burned, so when you reach your goal, it tells you that you can stop now!
Workout Buddy is something that Tommy told me about. This is a great app for when you want to workout, but just don’t know what to do. With Fitness Buddy, you can create your own workouts by selecting the part of your body you want to work out and then selecting which moves you can do with the equipment – free weights, kettlebells, resistance bands, cable machine (or lack of) that you have on hand. You can also use to to track your weights and reps and it has step by step photos of how to do each workout correctly. It’s a great app for those who are beginning with weight training.
Last but not least, is the Foam Roller App. If you’re like me, than you never really knew there was a correct technique for foam rolling, you kind of just roll where it hurts to soothe your muscles. Enter Foam Roller App.
Not only does this app have videos to show you how to foam roll effectively, it also has written explanations and little tips on how to move which body part to be most effective.
I hope you find these apps helpful!
What are your favorite apps?
Both of these apps look cool! I need some more fitness apps, will need to investigate them…so far I really only use RunKeeper!!
Leah @ Chocolate and Wild Air recently posted..Election Day
I used RunKeeper before I downloaded iFit Running, but I am liking the iFit app better!
I really like MyFitnessPal for food and Challenge loop is pretty cool too! You can track and participate in online or local challenges. Pretty cool! SPA love!
Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted..Winner, Workouts, Hair, Vote!
I use MyFitnessPal too, or attempt to use it. I tell myself that I will track my food but usually forget after breakfast! 😡
Nike plus is the only one I really used on a regular basis 🙂
thanks for sharing yours!
Kierston recently posted..I’m Speechless: The OPA Ottawa Championships!
I have been meaning to download Nike+ for literally months. Going to do it now!
I loveeee fitness apps for your phone! thank you for sharing! Right now I use Nike+ app for every run! It isn’t the best so I might need to move on and find a new one! (:
Danielle @ Itsaharleyyylife recently posted..National Eating Healthy Day
I\’ve been meaning to download Nike+ for months to give it a try, yet for some reason I haven\’t gotten around to it yet. I\’ve heard good stuff about it!
I would love that foam roller app! But I’m a droid user and I don’t see it available. Darn!
Carli recently posted..Lean Cuisine Culinary Collection #Review
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