Resolutions get a bad wrap because most people make up some grand goal that they think a changing number on the calendar will help them achieve something that they don’t really have the means or drive to achieve themselves.
Last year, I set four goals for 2012 and looking back at the post from this time last year, I didn’t do too shabby, but that might have something to do with the fact that my goals weren’t very concrete and in turn, not to difficult to achieve. I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few weeks thinking about what I want to achieve in 2013. I think it is important to set goals that are attainable, otherwise you set yourself up for failure. That being said, these are my goals for 2013:
1. Run 13 races. Since I did the Commitment Day run, it’s one down, 12 to go.
2. Run a half marathon. I’m looking for something in the fall so that I have plenty of time to train. Ideas are welcome!
3. Follow a mostly paleo diet. I say mostly because I don’t want to tell myself that I can’t stray from the diet from time to time for special occasions or a cheat day. It’s all about balance!
4. Find a job where I can grow and expand my horizons. The last couple of months have been tough at work. I feel unappreciated and like I’m not taken seriously often. Hopefully 2013 will bring me some new opportunities!
5. Continue to grow this little old blog. I love every minute I spend blogging, answering comments and reading other blogs and blogging has really become one of my greatest passions. I hope to continue blogging and sharing my life and experiences with all of you.
I’ve also seen some bloggers choose a single word to serve as their theme for the year. I checked out the My One Word website and decided to choose pursue as my word.
PURSUE: to strive to gain; seek to attain or accomplish.
I think it fits, and it will help me stay in the mindset of getting it done!
What are your goals for 2013? What is your one word?
Great word focus! My word of the year is BALANCE 🙂
Rachel @RunningRachel recently posted..My Word of the Year is Balance
I hadn’t heard of the one word idea, but I absolutely LOVE it. Hmm … I’m tempted to say “write” for mine (no surprise there), but I think I’m gonna go with “absorb” instead. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life, to let things skim by on the surface without absorbing every moment. I definitely want to change that this year!
Shari recently posted..Time Machine.
I love the one word New Year’s posts. Mine is change. Love the word pursue!
Heather (Where’s the Beach) recently posted..Eggplant Caponata on Way to Go Wednesday
Yes! Pursue with a vengeance!!
Stephanie recently posted..I Put the Try in Triathlon
To continue living a healthy and active lifestyle 🙂 It’s a lifetime resolution!
Kierston recently posted..A Lifetime Resolution…
Wow, those are all on my list of to-do’s as well. But my word this year is Flow.
Jacki recently posted..Unravelling The Year Ahead
These are all great goals for this year. I really hope you find a great job soon, I know exactly how you are feeling and it is so important that you feel appreciated over at work!
Alicia @NeverEverBeenSkinny recently posted..Motivational Thursday & Juicing
I love the word pursue! When we’re in pursuit of something we’re always enriching our lives =) Great goals you have I might add! My goal for 2013 is to live more in the moment! I’m such a planner and sometimes get caught up in what I’m trying to accomplish instead of reflecting on what I have RIGHT NOW that adds so much value to my life! I need to be even more grateful. Thank you for sharing this!
Noelle McKenzie recently posted..New year new you fitness guide
Love it!! Great goals and I LOVE your word. Its gonna be a good year!
Cinnamon @ eatpraytri recently posted..The CinnaList
I really like the word you picked! I’ve seen a bunch of other bloggers do this, and I think it’s a really cool idea.