While most people were enjoying Beyonce during halftime, we were at the hospital getting Munchkin’s eyebrow glued back together.

I had decided to do a quick workout before starting on the snacks for the Super Bowl. I didn’t think anything of the fact that Munchkin had come into the room and sat on the bed while I was working out. He watches me all the time and even joins me sometimes. What I didn’t imagine was that he would jump off the bed and right into my hand weight. Ouch.
I have to say that I am very proud of him. Once we got over the initial shock and tears, he didn’t cry at all. I could barely watch while the doctor put his little brow back together, but Alex fake snored the whole time because he told him he needed to close his eyes and pretend to sleep. He also got really excited at one point because the doctor said he had to wash the cut and to take Munchkin’s shirt off. He thought he was going to get a bath at the hospital! I am thankful that he didn’t need real stitches because Tommy and I both agreed that we wouldn’t be able to watch.
One thing that stood out in my mind was what the EMT said when we first walked into the ER. He handed us an ice pack and said don’t worry, this isn’t the first time you’ll be here. I really hope he’s wrong, but with someone as active as Munchkin, he might not be.
MIz recently posted..Strong is NOT the new SEXY (my thoughts)
Poor guy! But it sounds like he was a trooper!! 🙂
Maureen recently posted..A SUPER Weekend!
He was braver than me! 🙂
OH my goodness! I’m glad he is okay now but how scary!
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..“I Will Endure” Cardio Workout & Super Bowl Drop Out
Yea, I totally freaked out. I told that if I was home alone I probably would\’ve called 911 because I was shaking so bad that I wouldn\’t be able to drive him to the ER.
Poor little guy! So glad he’s alright now!
Shari recently posted..Cracking the Books … or the Internet.
Thanks! He\’s a trooper, purple eye and all! 🙂
Oh my gosh! I’m glad that he is okay!
Hope @ With A Side Of Hope recently posted..A Special Delivery & An Itchy Weekend!..
Thanks! We had quite the scare, but he says he\’s all better now.