Life as of Late

To say that a lot had changed in my life in the last two weeks would be an understatement. The schedule that I lived by for the last two years had been flipped on its head, and as scared as I was about all of the changes, I am loving it so far.

1. My little man started preschool. I don’t know how my baby who I swear was born like last week, is in school. It still boggles my mind, but the good part is that he LOVES it! We have to be out the door by 7:20 to get him to school on time, and my little guy who used to love sleeping in is on his feet and telling me to hurry up because he’s going to be late. He comes home with new words, songs and pictures every day and I absolutely love that he loves school.

firstday 2027

2. I froze my Crossfit membership. Since I’m back to school and the little guy started, the WOD schedule at my box just didn’t work at all. I would sign up for WODs only to cancel the morning of because I knew that there was no way I was going to make it there. On the bright side, I signed up for a new gym that is the halfway point between my office and the little man’s school. I’ve been twice so far, but starting today I am planning on going in the morning before work since I’ve got an hour to kill after dropping off Alex at school before I need to be at work. I was pretty scared at first because I haven’t been a member of a regular gym since high school, and even then when I went all I did was cardio and group fitness classes. I am happy to say that I am not scared of venturing into the weights section, where I am usually the only woman. I am also really enjoying putting together my own workouts and I plan on sharing them here weekly!

3. I am starting the 21 Day Sugar Detox today. I am nervous and quite frankly, I don’t know if I will even make it to day 21. Right now I am telling myself that I will give it a week and if I am miserable, I’ll ease up a bit and put fruit back into my diet. We shall see!


4. The winner of my RUN10 FEED10 giveaway is Rach. Please shoot me an email to so I can get your limited edition Feed bag out to you quick!

It’s time for me to get my butt into bed. I need to be up in 6 hours – no bueno!

What’s your favorite resource for workouts? Have you ever done a detox?

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    • I\’ve been finding a lot of great workout ideas on Pinterest. Thanks – 2027 sounds super far away, but I know it will fly by way to fast for my liking.

    • I found the tshirt idea on pinterest and I knew I had to do it! It\’s only day 3 of the detox and I am coming down with a cold. Hopefully I can get over it before it gets too bad!

    • I know! On the first day my boyfriend and I both went to drop him off and he was so worried that I would be crying more than the little guy. Luckily he went off with no tears and was actually annoyed when we were back after and hour to pick him up(they were easing them into full days slowly). My heart breaks for the parents who have to leave their crying babies. I don\’t think I could do it!

  1. Class of 2027?? I feel old! HA HA

    My BFF told me that this Saturday my Godson was up at 4am because he thought he would be late for preschool! Kids crack me up!
    Maureen recently posted..DeniedMy Profile

    • Hahaha! Kids are so funny! Alex was up at 6 am on Saturday and ready for school. I don\’t think I\’m going to be getting sleep for a while. Hhaha

    • Thanks! I found the idea on Pinterest and knew I had to do it! I hope his love for school lasts for a loooong time!

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