1. My little man being 4. I can’t believe that he is 4, but I am trying to soak up every minute of it. He has a great sense of humor and his teachers tell me that he is hilarious and very bright. He loves to read books and count everything in sight. We had Oreo cake (picked by the birthday boy) and he was so excited to blow out the candles. We are having his first real birthday party with his friends on Saturday! I can’t wait to see him having a blast with all his buddies.
2. My hair! I chopped off basically all of my hair on Saturday and I love it. My stylist did an amazing job with the cut and everyone has been telling me that I look 10 years younger. Not sure if I want to look 16, but I’ll take it as a compliment. I am donating my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. Hopefully, it serves someone just as well as it served me for all this time.
Also, the dress in this picture. I walked into Target on Saturday to get two things and I walked past it and had to try it on. We had a party to go to on Saturday night and I had nothing picked out to wear, so I had to have it. For $25 it didn’t break the bank and was super comfy and cute.
3. Dried Pineapple from Trader Joe’s. My current snack obsession. So good, so sweet, so not horrible for you.
4. Boom Boom Balloon. Alex got this game for his birthday and we played a whole bunch of times yesterday. The object of the game is to push in the sticks and not pop the balloon. It gets really exciting towards the end when it’s obvious the balloon is going to pop any minute. I highly recommend this if you have kids on the younger side.
5. Trader Joe’s Coconut Body Butter. It smells amazing and it super moisturizing. I use it on the little man who still gets dry patches from his eczema and it works wonders. And I believe it costs less than $6, which is a steal compared to places like the Body Shop.
Friday not-so favorito: Spending almost $600 on textbooks this semester, but its my last semester so never again! Woohoo!
What are some things you are currently loving?
That cut looks great on you!! Donating your hair was awesome 🙂
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted..Friday Five: Ready for the Weekend
Cute hair! And I’m loving TJ’s pineapple and coconut butter too. So delicious!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted..High Five Friday
Love the new hair style! I’m loving P90X3, running and feeling stronger than I have in a while.
Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness recently posted..Benefits of Maca Powder
Your hair looks awesome! 🙂
Happy Birthday to your little guy!
I love your hair!! And happy birthday to your son!
Erin @ Girl Gone Veggie recently posted..Five Facts Friday 2
Love the new hair!
I make my own coconut oil body butter. Super easy and cheap! 🙂
Jamie @ Rise.Run.Mom.Repeat. recently posted..Friday Faves
I would love to hear how your make it!
Love the hair! Happy 4th to your little guy! 🙂
Maureen recently posted..5 Ways to Recover From Your Cold a Little Faster
Happy Birthday little man! I love your haircut 🙂
I need to try that body butter, B and I both have terribly dry skin and in this winter weather it hurts!
Kelly @ Cupcake Kelly’s recently posted..Five Things Friday: Yoga, Athleta & Salad Fun
Been loving loafing around, protein pancakes, doing the step machine at the gym, and standing as opposed to sitting at my computer 🙂
Nice hair! And happy birthday to your little guy!
Kierston recently posted..Working Out The Mind and #RECIPEFRIDAY: Healthy Broccoli Soup