Snow Day

As much as snow can be a huge pain in the butt in NYC, I love a snow day. On Tuesday, Alex had early dismissal so we headed home around noon, before the snow really started to come down. I am super thankful for the early dismissal because later that day, I read Facebook status after status saying that commutes that usually take 30 minutes took over 3 hours. Later that afternoon, I got a call that the decision had been made and we were having a snow day.

We spent the two days out in the snow. We had snowball fights, made snow angels and sledded with other kids on our block.




We did some crafting. We made toilet paper roll monsters.



We ate some good stuff.

Pumpkin Pancakes.


Hot cocoa and Oatmeal Cranberry Dunkers. Both from Trader Joe’s.


Whole Wheat Couscous Greek Salad. (Recipe coming soon.)


I’m really not looking forward to driving tomorrow because the temps are super low, ice is everywhere and this snow isn’t going anywhere for a while. Either way, these two days were soo worth it!

Did you get any snow where you live? What are your favorite snow day activities?

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  1. We got twelve inches or so — and while it’s definitely pretty, we’ve had so much snow already this winter and such frigid temperatures that I am totally ready for spring now! πŸ™‚

  2. We actually didn’t get too much. It was a bit slippery at night just because it was SO COLD, but we ended up with 3 inches. It’s funny our town was one of two towns that didn’t call school for Wednesday. We had a regular day (and the roads were fine), the other town had a 2 hour delay. It definitely makes me happy, because when B is in school I don’t want him going to school into late June just because they called too many unneccessary snow days, ya know?
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