
Using Up the Leftovers WIAW

So that whole thing about sharing a great, new recipe with you today isn’t going to happen. Sorry, but when I got back from work and opened up my fridge, I had so many leftover from the weekend that it just didn’t make sense to make more food and then throw stuff out. So instead…

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WIAW on Thursday

Good morning! Or goodnight if your a night owl like me! On Tuesday night, I fell asleep putting Munchkin to bed, so I didn’t have a chance to blog. On the bright side, I did get a good night’s sleep. Today, technically yesterday, was my second day of work and the first day that I…

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Vermont Weekend Getaway!

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great weekend, because mine was amazing! On Friday morning, we woke up bright and early and hit the road. Before long, we were greeted by some amazing views which made the 4 hour drive a more enjoyable. When we finally crossed state lines and made it into…

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Birthday Wishes and Pancakes!

I want to start off my saying Happy Happy 23rd Birthday to the best boyfriend in the entire world! You are not only my boyfriend, but my best friend, partner in crime and you make me the happiest girl in the world! I love you! There will be more about the birthday celebration in the…

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Back to School WIAW

Hello! Happy Wednesday! I don’t know how happy it can be though because today is that dreaded day – first day back to school! I’m kind of excited, but we all know that excitement lasts for like a week, and then real life sets in. Ok, enough with the depressive back to school talk, let’s…

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