
Oatmeal Quinoa Breakfast Bake

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, but some mornings I am not conscious enough to make myself something yummy and nutritious to start my day off right. Luckily, I am a creature of habit and can eat the same breakfast for days, even weeks, without getting sick of it. Last week, I enjoyed…

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Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes

I think this is the longest I’ve even been away from my blog since I started a year and a half ago. Even though I was off from school and work and basically had all the time in the world to cook, bake, workout and blog, none of that seemed right. Now that I’m going…

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Official Start to Fall

Even though fall officially started this Saturday with the Autumnal Equinox, fall officially began in my kitchen this morning when I cracked open the first of many cans of pumpkin that will be consumed this year. I threw together one of my favorite waffle combos from last fall – Pumpkin Cream Waffles. All you need…

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A Good Week WIAW

Hi I’m Sylvia and I love to eat! (As if you didn’t know that already) I love WIAW because it lets me look back on what I ate over the week and think to myself, damn I ate some good stuff. Thank you Jenn for being a genius and inventing WIAW. You rock lady! Now…

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