
Birthday Twin Dinner

Since yesterday was Munchkin’s real birthday, what else could I do but spoil him all day long. We spent the first part of our day at a local indoor play place. Munchkin had a blast running around, climbing, sliding and yelling. Let me tell you, that place was loud! He even won 50 tickets in…

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Bears, Fish and Cars

Yesterday started out like any other Wednesday. I woke up, had breakfast, did some intervals on the elliptical, hung out with my Munchkin. Just after I enjoyed my lunch which was one of the best veggie burgers I’ve ever had, the doorbell rang. To my surprise, Tommy has gotten to take a half day and…

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A Very Snacky WIAW

Another Wednesday, another edition of What I Ate Wednesday! I’m posting my meals from yesterday and they’re a little all over the place. I made dinner early so my dad could eat before going to work, and ended up being starving my 6 pm hence the random snackiness. Breakfast can be found my locating number…

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Hot Pockets and Nail Polish Freebies

Hello and Happy Friday! Fridays always seem to be my busiest days and me and Munchkin have been on our feet since this morning. We’ve already been to the post office, done our grocery shopping, ordered balloons for next week’s party and checked out some local bakeries to see cake options. It feels good to…

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Blueberry Pierogi and Cardio Circuits

Last night, while watching the evening news, I saw a story about a really dumb criminal who somehow managed to get the car that he stole stuck on the roof of an apartment building. Genius, I know. After hearing that, the Darwin Awards popped into my head and I decided to check out the winners…

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