
Homemade Brick Oven Pizza

I am a big fan of pizza. Around these parts a heated discussion can arise out of asking someone what their favorite pizza place is (Rosas for life!!) but there is nothing like making a homemade pizza. Over the summer, Tommy and I love to make grilled pizza, but last week I tried out my…

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Trip to The End

Sometimes things in life just fall together perfectly, and this weekend was one of those times. From Friday to Sunday I had nothing but a ton of fun. It leaves me looking forward to how awesome this summer is going to be, once I get passed those icky finals standing in my way. Friday started…

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Easter Weekend

We had a busy Easter weekend around these parts. Luckily I have the day off from work to relax and enjoy the day with Munchkin. On Friday, we did our traditional egg painting. Every year on Good Friday for a looong time now (since high school), we all go to my friend Paul’s house (Munchkin’s…

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The Best Medicine

Wednesday was most definitely a long day that followed a long night. Being sick is no fun for me, but Munchkin being sick is just so sad. It breaks my heart to see him cranky, sniffly and just not himself. We are going to the doctor this morning to have him checked out. I don’t…

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