
Birthday Surprise WIAW

I can’t believe its been two weeks since I last shared all my eats for WIAW! I missed out on the partay last week, but I am back with some good stuff and some birthday eats..cake x2! Yes, I was spoiled! 🙂 First on deck is something I threw together after work one day. I…

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Breakfast Quinoa WIAW

I’m going on a road trip today! Woowoo! After work, Tommy and I are taking a quick trip down to Philly to pick up my new gym. Sadly, we will only be there for as long as it takes us to pack up the car. I will miss the area. Hopefully, we will be back…

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Food and Fitness WIAW

Happy Fourth of July! The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. Not only is it my cousin’s birthday [Happy Birthday Particia!], it is also a day that is always spent outdoors, enjoying the weather and amazing eats. We are heading out to Tommy’s aunt’s house to a pool party/BBQ today, so I…

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The Beginning of the End

With my last day of classes yesterday, finals season is officially upon us. Only two weeks, two exams and two papers stand between me and glorious freedom. So it’s time to hunker down and hit the books. …with some snacks of course. Can I just say how amazing these quinoa clusters are. I’ve tried the…

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