Frolic Through Life a lifestyle blog Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Things I’ve Learned Tue, 24 Apr 2012 12:55:19 +0000 1. Breakfast comes together really fast when you do the prep work the night before. That means you can get  to press snooze one extra time before getting up. Total win. Nothing is better than a fruit and veggie packed smoothie! 2. Regular planks are difficult, up/down plank are real hard and plank jumps are...

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1. Breakfast comes together really fast when you do the prep work the night before. That means you can get  to press snooze one extra time before getting up. Total win. Nothing is better than a fruit and veggie packed smoothie!

2. Regular planks are difficult, up/down plank are real hard and plank jumps are almost impossible…for now, that is. Thank you Tina for the butt kicking this morning!

3. You can tell if an egg is raw or hard boiled by how fast it will spin. A hard boiled egg will soon very quickly, while a raw egg will barely turn. Go try it!

4. Sometimes the simplest, DIY at home methods work the best. I found a recipe for this Aspirin Mask on Delighted Momma’s blog and I am loving the results I got after one use. All you do it crush up four uncoated aspirin tablets, mix with a teaspoon of lemon until it forms a paste and apply it to your face for 10 minutes.

What have you learned lately?

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Exciting News Deux Tue, 27 Mar 2012 12:14:11 +0000 If you remember my exciting news from last time, you won’t be surprised to hear that I got another amazing package in the mail. While it wasn’t a blogger swap this time, it was something just as good… PEANUT BUTTER! PB Crave to be exact! The awesome people at PB Crave were nice enough to...

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If you remember my exciting news from last time, you won’t be surprised to hear that I got another amazing package in the mail. While it wasn’t a blogger swap this time, it was something just as good… PEANUT BUTTER! PB Crave to be exact!

The awesome people at PB Crave were nice enough to send me all four of their flavors to try, and try I did. Like right away, straight from the jar, with a spoon. I have no shame. In my own defense it was around lunch time.

I had to start with the Cookie Nookie. I mean, how can someone control themselves when they have a jar of Cookie Dough Peanut Butter? Cookie Nookie is peanut butter mixed with chocolate chips, honey and cookie dough flavor, AKA heaven in a jar.

Choco Choco is, you guessed it, chocolate flavored with Belgian chocolate.

My mom quickly claimed CoCo Bananas as her own and swooped it up to take to work with her. I really wanted to try this one on bananas, but sadly that will have to wait.

I didn’t know how to feel about the Razzle Dazzle because I am not usually a fan of raspberry flavoring, but this still is pretty darn good. The fact that it has white chocolate chips also kind of won over my heart. I am a sucker for the little things in life, people.

After my workout last night, I had a peanut butter flight.

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You know how you can go to a brewery and have four or five little cups of beer to try them all out. Well I did that, peanut butter style. I used a Wasa Crisp and enjoyed some peanut butter for an extra kick of protein.

PB Crave also gives a percentage of their sales to Project Peanut Butter, a non profit organization that focuses on treating malnourished children. Any company that wants to help little children is a winner in my book.

So the moral of the story is that I have a lot of delish peanut butter, so you better prepare yourself to be seeing a whole lot of peanut butter action around here.

Have a great Tuesday!

What’s your favorite kind of peanut butter?

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A-Z Fri, 23 Mar 2012 15:51:24 +0000 I’ve been wanting to do this survey since I saw it on Janetha’s blog a looong time ago. Better late than never, right? A is for age: 24 years young! B is for breakfast today: I made an eggwhich with jelly and American cheese. There was supposed to be turkey instead of jelly in my...

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I’ve been wanting to do this survey since I saw it on Janetha’s blog a looong time ago. Better late than never, right?

A is for age: 24 years young!

B is for breakfast today: I made an eggwhich with jelly and American cheese. There was supposed to be turkey instead of jelly in my original plan until my dad reminded me its Friday. Lent = no meat on Fridays.

C is for currently craving: Chocolate – it’s been way too long.

D is for dinner tonight: I know I’m making fish. Not sure of the sides yet.

E is for favorite type of exercise: I can honestly say that the Bootcamp that I’m doing right now is my favorite. I’ve never been this excited to workout!

F is for an irrational fear: I’m kind of scared of the dark. In my head, dark house = people waiting to attack me.

G is for gross food: I really can’t think of anything that I’ve tried that I thought was really gross.

H is for hometown: New York City. Queens represent!

I is for something important: These are the two men are pretty important in my life.

J is for current favorite jam: I’ve been obsessed with the Song Workout by J. Cole. I blast it everytime is comes on, on the radio. For the edible kind of jam, strawberry all the way!

K is for kids: Just a Munchkin!

L is for current location: My couch in the living room.

M is for the most recent way you spent money: Ordered tickets to The Hunger Games for Saturday. I.AM.SO.EXCITED!!

N is for something you need: A new camera. I really want a DSLR but I don’t think it’s a good idea for me since I already carry around the world in my purse. I’m thinking something along the lines of a Canon S100 or Nikon 1. Any recommendations?

O is for occupation: Law School Student, Part time Legal Assistant, Full time Mommy.

P is for pet peeve: People who can’t drive and bikers who don’t follow traffic rules. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come thisclose to hitting a biker because of their own stupidity.

Q is for a quote:

R is for random fact about you:  I met the President of Poland when I was little. My dad still has the newspaper clippings from it somewhere.

S is for favorite healthy snack: Baby carrots, bell peppers and hummus. I could eat them forever

T is for favorite treat: I love Cadbury Cream Eggs and ice cream and cupcakes.

U is for something that makes you unique: I’m pretty tall for a girl – 6’1. I don’t know why guys think telling me that I am tall is a good pick up line.

V is for favorite vegetable: Yellow or orange peppers.

W is for today’s workout: Week 3 Workout C from the Best Body Bootcamp – upper body supersets with cardio bursts in between.

X is for X-rays you’ve had: Had my leg x-rayed when I was like 3 and fell down the stairs, but nothing but dental x-rays since then.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Getting out of class early and starting my weekend early!

Z is for your time zone: EST!

Have a great weekend!

P is for pet peeve. Q is for a quote. R is for random fact about you. Go!

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No Joke Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:52:21 +0000 Happy First Day of Spring! I really hope the weather stays as springy as it’s been the last few weeks – it was perfect out yesterday! I just finished Workout A of Week Three of the Best Body Bootcamp, and it was no joke. I kind of slacked off last week and didn’t exactly follow...

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Happy First Day of Spring! I really hope the weather stays as springy as it’s been the last few weeks – it was perfect out yesterday!

I just finished Workout A of Week Three of the Best Body Bootcamp, and it was no joke. I kind of slacked off last week and didn’t exactly follow the training schedule, but I did get in a lot of time outdoors walking and running after Munchkin.

This morning’s workout was lower body supersets with cardio circuits in between. So basically I did three back to back sets of two lower body workouts followed by 5 minutes of cardio, followed by more supersets. The exercises that Tina designed are really great. The girl makes you work every muscle, even muscles you didn’t know you had. I’m kind of excited for the upper body supersets because upper body workouts are my fav!

Enough about working out, I wanted to share something that I stumbled upon on a random Tumblr and looked into further. I never paid much attention to the little produce code stickers on my fruits and veggies when shopping, but apparently what the number looks like can tell you a lot about your produce. I always thought that the numbers were there for the supermarket to be able to enter them into the cash registers, but the numbers actually tell you how the produce was grown. Produce with:

  • a 4-5 number code starting in 9 is organic.
  • a 4-5 number code starting in 8 is genetically modified.
  •  a 4 number code starting in 4 is conventionally grown
  • a 4 number code starting in 3 is irradiated.

I am going to be making sure that none of my produce is genetically modified from now on. The whole subject of genetic modification of food makes me a little uneasy and I try to avoid it when possible. Unfortunately, our government doesn’t think we need to know how the food we put into our bodies was grown.

My delicious breakfast is almost ready, so I’m going to run. Keep an eye out for something really yummy tomorrow!

Have a great Tuesday!

What’s the last good workout you had? Do you pay attention to how and where your produce it grown?

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My First Ticket Thu, 01 Mar 2012 13:17:16 +0000 Thank God it’s Thursday! Only a few hours separate me from the weekend and after yesterday, I cannot wait for some much needed sleep! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I had a busy and nerve-wracking day. I was supposed to meet with on of our clients and his lawyer to talk about prepping him...

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Thank God it’s Thursday! Only a few hours separate me from the weekend and after yesterday, I cannot wait for some much needed sleep! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I had a busy and nerve-wracking day.

I was supposed to meet with on of our clients and his lawyer to talk about prepping him for trial, but instead we were that we would be meeting with the other side to negotiate a settlement. Talk about making an already stressful event, even more stressful! Luckily, everything went off without a hitch, except for the part where I got a ticket – my first ticket ever! A copped pulled me over for making an illegal turn that wasn’t actually illegal. You can bet that I’m going to fight it – I know I’m right! And not to mention that the cop was a total jerk and wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. I found that kind of rude.

Anywho, I have no eats to share because I basically ate nothing yesterday. I had some cereal for breakfast and packed a lunch, but I left it in the office and never got to go back to the office before having to go to school for my midterm. On my way to school I grabbed a bagel from the corner deli where pickins are very slim. I also bought an iced coffee when I got to school which I proceeded to spill all over the floor two minutes before the test started. I was a hot mess yesterday!

After my midterm, I was ready to shut off my brain so I decided to read some articles and see what I had missed after my day. I found an article in the New York Times Fitness and Nutrition section that put a big smile on my face. Dessert At Breakfast May Help Dieters! Basically there was a study in which 144 obese people, ages 20 to 65, were put on  low-carb and low calorie diets. The only difference between the two groups was that one group was allowed to eat dessert for breakfast – cookies, cake, ice cream. Get this..the dessert group lost 13 more pounds on average than the control group.

So instead of this….

maybe I’ll start my days with this from now on!

Probably not!

Even though the article was interesting, it comes down to the fact that you cannot deprive yourself of anything because it will not work out well in the end. Now pass me a cupcake!

Have a great Thursday!

Have you ever gotten a ticket? Dessert for breakfast – yay or nay?

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Quinoa Stuffed Peppers and a Bit of Randomness Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:23:29 +0000 Since I am currently doing this… this post is going to be a bit all over the place with things I’ve been wanting to share, but have had to put them on the back burner in favor of studying for midterms. On Friday, I made vegetarian Mexican stuffed peppers. I broiled the peppers for 5...

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Since I am currently doing this…

this post is going to be a bit all over the place with things I’ve been wanting to share, but have had to put them on the back burner in favor of studying for midterms.

On Friday, I made vegetarian Mexican stuffed peppers. I broiled the peppers for 5 minutes and stuffed them with a quinoa mixture that I thought up. After cooking it in chicken broth with a teaspoon of chili powder, I mixed the quinoa with a can of black beans and 8 oz of salsa and stuffed the peppers. I topped it all off with some Mexican blend cheese and put it back under the broiler for a few minutes until melted.

I’m really enjoying trying out different vegetarian recipes because of Lent and meatless Fridays. Any ideas for me for this week?

On Saturday I indulged a bit and went to get a mani/pedi at a new nail salon that was renovated and reopened in my neighborhood. Since I had a gift certificate, I decided to splurge and get my first gel manicure, an OPI gel manicure to be exact. I chose A Grape Fit for my color.

This manicure is supposed to last for up to three weeks because its layers of special polish painted onto your nails and cured with a UV light. So far, so good. If it really does last three weeks then it will be well worth the $20 price tag. Don’t mind the plastic cow. 😉

We went to a Christening party for my cousin’s new baby, Tiana on Sunday. We all got to get dressed up and I can’t get over how adorable Munchkin looked.

Does he clean up real nice, or what?

It’s only fitting that a random post end with a random fact..

Have a great Tuesday!

What’s your favorite vegetarian recipe? Share a random fact!

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