Frolic Through Life a lifestyle blog Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shopping and Cinnamon Buns Tue, 18 Oct 2011 15:19:54 +0000 Yesterday I decided it was time to get back to running. Between the unbearable weather this summer and my chest cold, which made me cough up my lungs for weeks anytime I broke a sweat, I slacked off, big time. It felt really nice to get out into the crisp, fall air and do some...

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Yesterday I decided it was time to get back to running. Between the unbearable weather this summer and my chest cold, which made me cough up my lungs for weeks anytime I broke a sweat, I slacked off, big time. It felt really nice to get out into the crisp, fall air and do some running. I took it slow since it was my first time running in a few weeks, but I did 2.5 miles in a little over a half hour.

After some breakfast and a quick shower, Munchkin and I headed to Target to buy some baby essentials.  I swear, Target diapers and wipes are better than Pampers and Huggies, at half the price. The brand names are not worth paying double for, especially when Huggies, in my opinion, don’t even compare to Target brand.

We also hit up the dollar section where we scored a fall/Thanksgiving plate and Sesame Street coloring book for only a dollar each. You can find the best kid’s stuff in the dollar section, and for me, it’s not a trip to Target without a stop there.

Munchkin was so in love with the coloring book that he refused to let it go. He even fell asleep with it in his grips.

On the way home, I also stopped to take some pictures of the evil pothole that dented my rim. I ended up having to purchase a new rim because the old one was unfixable. I’m going to be sending in a claim to the city so hopefully I’ll get reimbursed for my pain and suffering.  The form that you fill out to be reimbursed cracked me up because at the top it says that it can take up to  year and 90 days for the claim to be resolved. Gotta love the speedy service of the City of New York.

At school, we had a guest speaker to talk to us about legal research for the 100th time.  The only real thing I took away from it was that the United States Library of Congress database is called Thomas, and that reminded me of Tommy.  Since Mondays are my short days at school, I was home in time to catch the first dance on Dancing With the Stars.  I think the top three are going to be Ricki Lake, JR Martinez and David Arquette.  That is unless, Carson Cresley’s fanbase pulls him through to the end.  That man cannot dance for his life, but he is really entertaining and funny.

This morning I woke up with a craving for cinnamon rolls and since I had these bad boys in the freezer, I was in luck.

The mini cinnarolls baked up flaky and crispy. I topped them off with a bit of icing before we dug in.  Since my eating schedule is messed up because of school in the evenings, I try to make breakfast extra special because it’s the only real meal I get to share with Munchkin.

That and breakfast is probably my favorite meal of the day, so that helps.

Have a great Tuesday!

Do you buy store brand items or stick to name brands? What’s your favorite meal of the day?

The post Shopping and Cinnamon Buns appeared first on Frolic Through Life.

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