Frolic Through Life a lifestyle blog Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:04:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My First WOD Thu, 09 Aug 2012 04:00:23 +0000 After two weeks of Foundations, it was finally time for me to put my big girl pants on and do a real WOD. I’m not going to lie, I was super nervous about putting my skills to the test, but as soon and I got to the box and saw the day’s WOD on the...

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After two weeks of Foundations, it was finally time for me to put my big girl pants on and do a real WOD. I’m not going to lie, I was super nervous about putting my skills to the test, but as soon and I got to the box and saw the day’s WOD on the whiteboard, my nervousness quickly changed into excitement.

For months, I have been pestering anyone who will listen about how much I want to do tire flips in Crossfit. It almost seemed like fate that my first WOD had tire flips as a warmup!

We ran 400m and then did a team tire flip where everyone flipped the tire three times. There are two tires and I’m hoping to work my way up to the heavier one.

After warming up, we split into two groups. The more advanced Crossfiters did EMOTM 3 dead lifts at 70% of your one rep max weight

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for 10 minutes, while the rest of the group practiced power cleans.


It was finally time for the WOD and even though it seemed intimidating when I first saw it, I powered through it and felt amazing and STRONG! I did 5 rounds in 10:32 and I didn’t even come in last place! Woohoo!

The WOD called for 3 muscle ups, which is pulling yourself up on rings Olympic style, but was scaled down to 9 ring dips or 9 pushups with release. I opted for the pushups because my upper body strength still stinks. It was pretty amazing to see some of the guys pull themselves up basically to the ceiling and do the muscle ups. After that was 6 power cleans and 24 airs quats. Although the squats may have been the easiest thing in the WOD, you really start to feel em after a few rounds.

The best part about Crossfit, other than the amazing, kick butt workout, is the support from other people. By the time we got around to the WOD, there were already people standing around waiting for the 7PM WOD, and they cheered us on, helped us with our form and just made the whole experience a lot better. Definitely not something you would experience at a globogym!

I left sweaty, sore and smiling – best feeling ever! Today is time for WOD #2, and even though I’m still a bit sore, I cannot wait!

What’s the last feel-good workout you had?

The post My First WOD appeared first on Frolic Through Life.

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