101 in 1001

101 in 1001 is a list of goals I would like to accomplish in 1,001 days.  The list has a mix of different kinds of goals.  Some are simple to accomplish, others more difficult, but hopefully all will be crossed off the list.
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

bold = in progress
strikethrough = done

Sylvia’s 101 in 1001 List
Starts: June 23, 2011
Ends: March 20, 2014
1. Finish law school with honors
2. Get an internship
3. Move out
4. Become financially stable
5. Read 30 books

  • 1. Catching Fire [6/26/11]
  • 2. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close [7/14/11]
  • 3. The Help [7/21/11]
  • 4. Mockingjay [9/1/11]
  • 5. Room [9/25/11]
6. Get a gel manicure
7. See 10 movies in the theater

  • 1. Transformers Dark of the Moon [7/9/11]
  • 2. The Help [8/12/11]
  • 3. Drive [9/?/11]
  • 4. Johnny English [10/22/11]
8. Teach munchkin to read
9. Take a cooking class
10. Start kickboxing [7/19/11]
11. Run a 10k
12. Run a half marathon
13. Travel to California
14. Make a new friend
15. Get 3 new stamps in my passport
16. Swim with dolphins
17. Run a 5k
18. Go to Montauk
19. Try 10 new restaurants and write reviews

20. Learn to ski well enough to go down a black diamond
21. Go mountain biking
22. Learn to cook seafood other than fish
23. Take a road trip to anywhere
24. Potty train munchkin
25. Share my blog on Facebook  Like Frolic Through Life on Facebook!
26. Go to Governor’s Island
27. Go to 5 concerts

28. Dye my hair
29. Get Munchkin’s pictures printed and put in albums
30. Host a BBQ
31. Finish decorating the playroom
32. Buy a good camera
33. Get Tommy to go camping
34. Donate blood
35. Buy a new car
36. Go to Vegas
38. Use all my Groupons

  • 1. Pop Diner [7/8/11]
  • 2. Kickboxing [7/19/11]
  • 3. Simply Fondue [7/19/11]
  • 4. Play [7/20/11]
  • 5. Arirang [9/3/11]
39. Teach Tommy to dance Turns out he knew how to dance all along, he just didn’t have anyone to dance with. <3
40. Go hiking
41. Dig up the time capsule we buried in high school
42. Donate money to charity
43. Learn to use Photoshop
44. Solve a Rubik’s cube
45. Grow an herb garden
46. Stop drinking soda for a month (hopefully more)
47. Visit a museum
48. See a show on Broadway
49. Buy a kindle Got an iPad for my birthday!
50. See a movie at the drive-in
51. Join a gym
52. Go on a cruise
53. Go wine tasting
54. See the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade live
55. Buy frolic-through-life.com
56. Go on a picnic
57. Get a new cell phone
58. Visit a continent other than Europe and North America
59. Go zip lining
60. Go to a State Fair
61. Lose 20 pounds
62. Take a bubble bath
63. Buy a bike seat for Munchkin [6/26/11]
64. Redo blog layout
65. Do a bar crawl
66. Learn to swim freestyle
67. Put money into savings each week
68. Build a snowman
69. Get my teeth whitened
70. Buy an external hard drive and save all my pictures
71. Make my resume look good
72. Have a spa day
73. Organize all the recipes I pull out of magazines
74. Go to the shooting range
75. Go to a ceramics-painting place
76. Create a budget and stick to it for at least 3 months
77. Make a scrapbook
78. Make my own sushi
79. Do a project 10 pan
80. Bake bread
81. Wash my car once a month
82. Go pumpkin picking Stakey’s Pumpkin Farm [10/2/11]
83. Go horseback riding
84. Join Netflix [7/19/11]
85. Become semi-fluent in Spanish
86. Go golfing
87. Work out four days a week for six months
88. Dress up for Halloween every year
89. Learn to knit
90. Try yoga
91. Go to a baseball game
92. Go to a football game
93. Go to a hockey game
94. Get car detailed
95. Fill all the frames in my room
96. Win something
97. Invest in the stock market
98. Read to Munchkin everyday
99. Ride in a helicopter
100. Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day
101. Get engaged


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