Happy Monday..I mean Tuesday!

Thanks to Memorial Day I have completely lost track of what day of the week it is.  I keep thinking today is Monday, but its actually Tuesday.  Then again, I have no real obligations until the end of August so what difference does it make to me.

Memorial Day weekend was pretty good.  In between doing tons of laundry and cleaning up after our vacation, Munchkin and I attended my friend Kris’ graduation party.  He just graduated with his Master’s Degree in I’m not sure what.  The party was a lot of fun and I got to see a lot of friends that I haven’t seen in forever.  Munchkin was the life of the party.  He is such an outgoing little guy and he is totally not scared of anyone or anything.  My friend’s band, Bona to Vada, played and Alex became a member by playing his maracas during one of their songs.

He also got to play guitar and drums and danced up a storm while they played.  Check them out here, they’re really good. Munchkin also got to play around on Kris’ motorcycle, which he enjoyed, almost as much as the Italian bread he was eating.

On Monday, we filled up Munchkin’s pool bright and early so the water could warm up a bit before he went swimming.

We really need to look into getting a bigger pool for this year, but it’ll do for now.  When the water was nice and warm, we changed into our bathing suits and got to splashing.

We also fired up the grill, as is required on Memorial Day, and grilled up some chicken, zucchini and peppers.  Very quick and very delish. 

We haven’t done much today, other than play outside.  Munchkin in currently taking a nap, but when he wakes up we have some errands to run.  Hopefully it won’t be 300 degrees again this afternoon. 

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