Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken

Today was supposed to be a productive day.  Too bad that didn’t happen.

I pretty much sat around all day in my pjs watching really bad tv shows and intermittently napping on the couch.  My defense is that I’m sick.  I don’t know if its allergies or a cold but I really woke up feeling like yuck.

The one productive thing I did do today was try out my new crockpot.  I looked through the recipes in the new book that I bought, but everything required ingredients I didn’t have and didn’t feel like getting dressed to go to the supermarket.  I finally decided on doing something super easy but super delish.  I took my inspiration from Julie of PB Fingers and just threw in two chicken breasts and covered them with salsa that I had leftover from my Cinco de Mayo lunch.

Once my chicken was ready I shredded it up and threw it on a wrap with avocado and shredded Mexican Blend cheese.  I served it up along side some red and orange peppers for a little crunch.

 My belly was very pleased.  Or it might’ve been the 100 pounds of Hershey’s kisses I also devoured today.

I really want to go out for a run since the weather is so nice, but I’m genuinely scared that my allergies are going to act up again.  I heard on the news yesterday that this year’s pollen is so bad that even allergy medicines aren’t working to alleviate people’s symptoms.  Since I’m actually feeling halfway decent now, I don’t know if I should risk it.  Or maybe I’m just making up excuses to not get off the couch. Who knows?

Question of the evening: Do you suffer from allergies? What are your solutions to get allergies under control?

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