I started out by marinating the steak in Balsamic Vinaigrette for a few hours. This part I am good at. The actual cooking of the steak is what baffles me. I can never get my steak just right and I really want to find out the secret to making a good steak. I usually cook my steak on the BBQ or under the broiler, but I always seem to under cook or overcook it. I like my steak to be on the medium side, but I can never get it that way when I make it myself. If anyone can point me in the right direction let me know. How long do I leave it on the grill for? How do I know when its ready?
Either way, my dinner was pretty yummy. I also made a salad with spring mix, cherry tomatoes, shredded carrots and avocado. I topped it off with Italian dressing and my steak with Honey Hickory BBQ sauce. I do not like the taste of steak sauce, with the exception of Peter Luger steak sauce, and almost always have my steak with BBQ sauce instead. Munchkin also enjoyed our dinner.
We didn’t really do much else today but play outside. Munchkin also watered the flowers because he is a great helper.
Munchkin is now fast asleep and I took some time to relax and unwind with a yummy Corona and give myself a mani/pedi. I used OPI’s Elephantastic Pink and Rumple’s Wiggin, my two favorite polishes.
I really have some sort of obsession with nail polish, I own over 80 different colors and my nails are almost always polished. Now it is time for me to hit the hay. I’m picking my mom up from the airport tomorrow! Munchkin and I will have been in five different airports over the course of three weeks, next week. Aren’t we the well traveled pair. 😉
Question: What’s your fav nail polish shade?
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