Archives for July 2011

Finding Fro Yo

Yesterday was a slow day for us.  We were all kind of tired from getting up so early and we just lounged around the house for most of the day.  I did a mish-mash of exercises because nothing seemed appealing to me for long.  I did 15 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes of a Self…

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Sushi Roadtrip

Yesterday we took the fasted road trip in recorded history because we’re already back home! Munchkin and I lazied around the house until about noon when I realized that we were both still in our PJs and we had to be out the door and on the road in two hours.  I quickly packed our…

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Juice Detox?

We had a bright and early start yesterday because Munchkin had his 18 month check up.  He was very brave and took his vaccination well.  He is also in the 100th percentile for height and weight aka he is a baby giant.  He loves playing in the waiting room.  They have kid sized furniture and a huuge…

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Bad Blogger!

I have to say, I am one happy girl today.  Not only did I have an amazing weekend with my two wonderful men, it is no longer a bajillion degrees outside. Since the insane heat broke, I got my butt up this morning and went for a run.  The sun was hiding behind the clouds,…

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