Newest Additions to our Family

I have a complaint to make to you, Mr. Obama.  I understand you are going through a lot trying to figure out this budget thang, but do you really have to hold all your press conferences during the 11AM hour, when I want to watch The View? It’s one of the only shows I watch and I keep turning it on to see your not to happy face instead.

Now that I’ve put the president back in his place, I can tell you about all the fun we had yesterday.

One of the first things Tommy asked me when he got back from Poland was if I knew how to make potato pancakes.  I don’t know what kind of Polish woman I would be if I didn’t know how, so for dinner we fried up some potato pancakes, or placki ziemniaczane as they call it in the motherland. Yes, we Poles love our consonants and try to fit them all in one word. 😉

Potato Pancakes


  • 2 lbs potatos
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 egg
  • salt and pepper
  • olive oil


Grate the potatoes and onion on a box grater.  I alternated between large and small holes on the grater to give the pancakes some texture.  In a separate bowl, beat the egg and add it into potato and onion mixture.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Heat olive oil in a large skillet and spoon the batter into the pan.  Fry for about 5 minutes on each side or until golden brown.  Serve immediately.

After we filled our bellies with yummy potato goodness and munchkin woke up from his late afternoon nap, we pilled into the car to run a small errand and go to the Giglio Festival in Williansburg.

First we stopped at Home Depot to pick out colors for Tommy’s new bedroom at his parent’s house.  We picked a color called Ocean Pearl, which is a greyish, greenish, brownish color, depending on the light.  It was the first color we picked up when we walked into the store, which never happens with us becuase we’re both undecisive.

We arrived at the Festival after 8 and the place was already packed.

We walked around and enjoyed some great Italian fair food. Tommy had a sweet sausage and peper hero and I took the sweet route and had a caramel apple.

We both shared some zeppoles, which are like Italian fried donuts covered with powdered sugar.  They are probably one of the most delicious things I’ve eaten in my life, no joke. They’re warm, doughy and sugary and melt in your mouth.

We didn’t go on any rides, but I got to watch people trying to keep their dinners down on this bad boy.  This was my favorite ride and a kid, it just spins around like crazy, pinning you to the walls.

We also took a look at the huge statute that gets carried through the streets during the religious procession before the feast starts.

Thanks to Tommy’s incredible throwing skills, we won two new additions to our family.  Meet Roscoe and Sunny!

Munchkin seems to be getting along with his new siblings very well. Too bad their life span is about a week.

Have a great Friday!

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