Pre-Birthday Pancakes

I love birthdays. I love the decorations, parties and of course the cake.  But the absolute best part about birthdays is when its your own birthday!

I don’t understand why people start to hate their birthdays when they get older. I’m gonna celebrate my birthday regardless, whether I’m 24, 44 or 104!
Since we are going to Boston this weekend and I won’t have access to a kitchen tomorrow, I made Munchkin and myself Cake Batter Pancakes for breakfast, to celebrate a day early.  I’ve tried this recipe before, and I feel like its the perfect special breakfast to make for someone’s birthday, or your own.
I love the way the batter looks all swirly
 I have a can of red velvet Sprinkles cake batter that I’ve been wanting to try these pancakes with, but I think I’m gonna save that for the birthdays of my men since they are born during the same week.

Yesterday’s dinner was pretty yummy also. About a week ago, I received a box of Kikkoman Kara-Age Coating Mix to try through the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.  After reading some other reviews of the product, I was a little scared to try it.  I read that coating mix had a very strong ginger flavor, which I’m not a huge fan of.
So, I decided not to follow the directions. Shocker, I know.  The box says to pour the seasoning into a large ziplock bag, add your proteins and shake, kinda like a soy-ginger shake and bake.  When I opened the package and tried the coating it had a very strong flavor.  So instead of putting my fish directly in the coating, I mixed it with some breadcrumbs to make the flavor a little less intense. 
I baked the fish in the oven instead of frying it and the results were pretty darn good.  The breadcrumbs mixed with the coating gave the fish a crispy crust and the seasoning mix gave it a really nice flavor.
I served the fish along with some baked zucchini which was seasoned with another of my favorite seasoning, 21 Seasoning Salute from Trader Joe’s. 
I’m planning on using the remaining coating mix with some chicken when I made Thai Peanut noodles,so stay tuned.  The recipe has been in my To Make list on Pinterest for months and its day in the sun is approaching quickly. 
Now it’s time for me to get my butt in gear and get to packing.  We leave in about three hours and my bags are empty. But, in my own defense, I made a list of what to pack last night, so its like I’m halfway done already, right? 
Have a great weekend!
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