Picking Pumpkins Like it’s our Job

As if sailing through New York harbor with Tommy wasn’t enough to make my weekend, on Sunday we piled into the car and drove out to Long Island to go pumpkin picking!

But before we made our journey, we had to fill our bellies with pumpkin picking fuel. On Saturday night, I got a tweet from my cousin with this recipe.  We woke up on Sunday morning with nothing on our minds but egg stuffed potatoes, so they had to be made.

Unfortunately, my reading skills elude me very often and I didn’t realize the recipe called for baked potatoes.  Since we didn’t have an hour to bake the potatoes in the oven, we nuked em in the microwave. The only thing I want to know is why no one ever informed me that I could cook potatoes in the microwave in under five minutes?

To make these impressive looking guys, all you need to do is cut off the top of your potato, carefully scoop out the innards, add you egg and topping of choice and bake in the over at 375 for 25-30 minutes. As a side note, if you’ve never baked eggs before like me, eggs retain their shininess even when fully baked so just check your eggs when time is up. They may look like they’re still raw but they’re probably ready to eat. I slightly overcooked my eggs, but it was nothing a little ketchup couldn’t fix.

I also used the extra potato to make some breakfast potatoes, by mixing them with a little onion and bacon and throwing them on a skillet. Awesome breakfast to start off an awesome day.

Since breakfast took a little longer than initially expected, we were running a little late on our way to the pumpkin patch. We got to Stakey’s Pumpkin Farm around 3PM and were ready to get to picking.

Even though the fields were covered in pumpkins, it was really slim pickings.  Most of the pumpkins that were laying on the ground were rotting, or had soft spots that were on their way to rotting.  The weather over the summer really messed with the pumpkin crops. When people say theres a pumpkin shortage, I believe it. The farm does provide pre-picked pumpkins that are left on palettes on the side of the field, if you don’t want to venture out into the mud, but half the fun is getting all muddy.

Fortunately, the more rotten and squishy the pumpkin, the more Munchkin enjoyed it.

Tommy ventured way out into the field and came back with some good finds.

It’s a good thing that Munchkin has been hitting the gym, he wouldn’t have been able to push the wheelbarrow otherwise. 😉

He abandonded our wheelbarrow when he found some better company.

Doesn’t it look like Arianna is thinking get your stinky butt out of my face. We all died laughing during dinner while looking at this photo.

Once we made our pumpkin selections, the fun part started. Stakey’s has a deal that you can have all the pumpkins you can carry for $25 and they let you weigh them before to make sure its worth it.

You have to load up your pumpkins and walk the white line to the cash register. The catch is, that if you drop a pumpkin and it smashes, you have to pay for it. We made it to the register with no problem! Since our pumpkins were over 60 pounds, we saved over $10 thanks to Tommy’s skill and muscles.

After our pumpkins were paid for and loaded in the car, we took advantage of some of the other things attractions Stakey’s had to offer.  Munchkin went in his first bouncy castle and he loved it.

He actually loved it so much, that we had to send his godfather in there to scoop him up when his turn was over.

We also snacked on some yummy soft baked chocolate chip cookies and apple cider.  I signed their mailing list and will be getting two free hayride tickets for next fall!

Our pumpkins have now made the stoop their home. I think they look quite comfy. I’ll be showing off more of my fall/Halloween decorations tomorrow if you’re interested. 🙂

Have a great Tuesday!

Do you go pumpkin/apple picking in the fall?
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  1. […] Bucket List September 22, 2012 Leave a Comment Last fall was pretty amazing. We went pumpkin picking, baked lots of seasonal goodies and devoured every pumpkin flavored item I could get my paws on, […]

  2. […] of our fall bucket list, pumpkin picking! We headed out to Long Island to the same place we went last year, Stakey’s Pumpkin Farm. The weather wasn’t too hot and it was drizzling a bit on the […]

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