Sorry Starbucks!

Sorry Starbucks. It’s over, we’re through. As much as I loved paying ridiculous prices for your coffee, I have found someone new and their name is Godiva.

Thanks to the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program and Godiva, I was able to receive two bags of Godiva coffee in their Pumpkin Spice and Caramel Pecan Bark flavors. Both flavors are limited edition for the fall and are inspired by some of their amazing chocolate.If you’ve never tried a Godiva truffle, you haven’t lived.

I’ve been attacking these coffees for about a month now, but I honestly can’t decide which I like better.ย  What I do like is that no one else in my house enjoys flavored coffee, so theses babies are all mine. No sharing required.

Between being a mommy to a rambunctious toddler who enjoys waking me up before the sun comes up and a law student with readings that keep me up to crazy hours, coffee is my best friend.

I love having a big mug of Pumpkin Spiceย  with my breakfast in the morning to open my eyes and keep me from falling back asleep with a toddler on the l0ose.

Nap time usually can’t come soon enough, so that I can enjoy some me time with a sweet, Vitalicious treat and some more delicious coffee.

I also bring some with me to school which has helped me beat my pricy Starbucks habit.ย  Instead of dropping upwards of $4 a day on coffee, I bring my own in my shnazzy pink cup or tumbler, depending on my temperature preference of the day. With extra money in my pocket and delicious coffee in hand, I can get through my sometimes not so exciting classes without falling asleep.

Please ignore that both cups are from Starbucks.

I’m got a big mug of Caramel Pecan Bark with my name on it and a presentation to finish for tonight’s class, so this is where I make my exit.

Have a great Thursday!

What’s your favorite type of coffee? Do you prefer hot or iced?

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  1. I really liked the Godiva Pumpkin Spice. I haven't tried the other one yet. I love pumpkin flavored coffee or just a good cup of strong coffee with a pump of sugar-free syrup and some foamed soy milk. Yum ๐Ÿ™‚ I love hot coffee all year round but in the summer I do like the occassional iced coffee.

    • I can't drink hot coffee during the summer. I almost only drink iced from May to September or just wait for my hot coffee to get cold.

    • Starbucks still holds a place in my heart, but my wallet hates it. The pumpkin spice was amazing with skim milk and a splash of pumpkin spice coffee creamer. So good!

  2. Following back from Wordless Wednesday. Thanks for the follow and for linking up. Now I am craving coffee. I actually just had a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks yesterday, and paid way too much for it. But, it was yummy. I'll have to check out Godiva.

    • I love a hot cup of tea to warm me up on a cold fall/winter evening too.
      I'm checking you out, thanks for stopping by!

  3. thanks for the follow. Following you back! I need to check out this Godiva!!!

    Katie @ Glamorous Without the Guilt

  4. I've been wanting to try Godiva and just haven't had the chance. I expect it would be pretty darn good though. I actually prefer The Coffee Bean over Starbucks anyway. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am now following you back. Loving your blog and I can't wait to go out and try some Godiva coffee! ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Big into TEA !! All flavors …. coffee just keeps me up so bad .. I can't slleep ! My husband is big into coffee though.. will see if he wants to try these flavors ๐Ÿ™‚

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