Anniversary Celebrations

I apologize for my absence, but I’ve been a busy bee this weekend.  Let’s go straight to the good stuff.

On Friday, Tommy and I celebrated our one year anniversary.  Tommy surprised me by taking the day off from work so that we could spend the whole day together.  Since he was being creative planning our day, I decided to get crafty and make him a gift.  I love scrapbooking and making little books to capture memories, so I made him a photo book titles 10 reasons I love you.  We’re not really the mushy, romantic types, so the book was made with some humor, meaning I chose funny pictures with silly captions.

Tommy also wanted a throw blanket for his couch, so I found an incredibly soft and cozy blanket at Target.  I thought just giving him the blanket was a little plain, so I sewed a patch onto it from felt with our anniversary date on it.

When Tommy came over on Friday morning, he brought me gorgeous roses and we exchanged cards.  We definitely run on the same brain waves, because we ended up getting each other the same card. The cards had the same writing, but had different pictures because we bought them from different stores.

We started off with some lunch in the city. We headed downtown to the famous Katz’s Deli, which you may know from When Harry Met Sally. We both got Pastrami Sanwiches on rye with mustard. This was the best pastrami I’ve ever tried, hands down.  They also make their own roast beef and turkey, which looked amazing also.

After we filled our bellies, we headed up to Times Square to let Munchkin have some fun.  First we ran into Elmo, Cookie Monster and other cartoon characters.  He was so excited to meet Elmo, but when we wanted to take a picture of him with the characters, he got scared that we were leaving him and doesn’t look to excited.

After that, we headed over to Toys R Us Times Square to ride the Ferris Wheel and window shop.  Alex loved and hated the Ferris wheel at the same time, once it started moving he liked it, but the starts and stops scared him a bit.  We were very excited because we got to sit in the cart that we wanted – Mega Bloks!

We also walked around and took in the sights of the Toy Store.  They have an amazing lego section where they have famous NYC buildings made out of hundreds of thousands of Legos. They also have a huuuge life like T Rex that roars and moves around. They also have a huge candy section, which I enjoyed very much.

After getting our toy fix, we headed over to Crumbs Cupcakes to get some sweets. I got the red velvet and Tommy got the candy bar cupcake. We both shared with Munchkin who was one happy camper.  We walked over to Bryant Park to enjoy our cupcakes and let Munchkin run around for a bit.

We visited a few more stores before heading home to nap before dinner. Let me tell you, that blankie is soo comfy and I did hog it the whole evening. Dinner was sushi, a shocker, I know. We love our sushi.  We went to Sushi Village in Bayside and had some really yummy sushi.  The place was packed all night, so you know the sushi has to be good.

We were going to go to the Empire State Building at night to take in the views of the city, but we were too tired. Tommy asked me to be his girlfriend last year on the top of Rockefeller Center while we were taking in views of the city, and we kind of wanted to relive it this year. Instead we grabbed a movie from Redbox, snuggled in bed and enjoyed the evening.  I fell asleep 20 minute into the movie as usual.

Since this post is already super long, I’ll save the rest of the weekend for tomorrow.


This morning I woke up and made myself a yummy egg scramble.  I got the chance to try some Eggstraordinary Eggs thanks to Land O Lakes and the Foodbuzz Taste Maker Program.

Even though the eggs are a little pricier than their supermarket brethren, they come from hens who are fed an all natural, all vegetable diet of whole grains, corn and soy. The eggs are also brown, which I love.  When my parents first came to the U.S., they were confused by white eggs, because all the chickens on their farms in Poland only laid brown eggs. You can really taste the difference in the eggs.

Have a great Monday everyone!

What did you do this weekend? How do you like your eggs?

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  1. What a wonderful anniversary celebration! I can't think of anywhere more magical to mark the day than in NYC. I love, love, love that Tommy asked you to be his girlfriend while you were on top of Rockefeller Center. That's like something out of a movie! So sweet!

    Glad you all had a special day 🙂

  2. I'm glad that you had a great anniversary! 🙂 I made Mike a scrapbook like that for one of anniversaries. I think those types of gifts are the most thoughtful plus you can go back and remember all of those things together.

    • I agree completely. Giving something that you buy as a gift can be nice, but a memento like that is something that you can keep forever. Glad you had a good anniversary too! 🙂


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