Back to Bed I Go.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a really bad stomach ache, and it doesn’t seem like it will be going away any time soon. So as I climb back into bed with some ginger ale, I leave you with this.

Have a good weekend!

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  1. Ugh…I hope that you feel better. I turn into the biggest baby when it comes to stomach problems. I can handle most other pains pretty well, but those of the gut own me.

    • Me too! I usually don't let being sick really get to me, but these kinds of stomach aches make me want to lay in bed all day.

  2. Hope you get well soon Sylvia, you are not the only one i had it last weekend, and Marie came home yesterday with it and worse! Hence my latest post about needing cooking advice, so when you get better jump on over and give me some tips since i know your a big foody!

    • It's something that is going around because a few people around here told me they had the same stomach problems. And as for cooking I have a ton of easy recipes posted. Convert them to metric and you're set. You'd be surprised how much fun cooking can be!

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