H is for Holidays

As much as I love the summer, there is no better season then the holiday season.  From Halloween to Christmas, I love everything about this time of year. That is why my H in my Thankful November list is dedicated to the holidays.

I love decorating the house for all the holidays. I love pumpkin picking and using them to decorate the house.

There’s nothing better than coming home to a beautifully decorated house and a gorgeous Christmas tree surrounded by presents waiting to be opened.

There is also nothing better than sitting around the table with your family and sharing a holiday meal.

I cannot wait until I have my own house where I can host the holidays.

As much as the holiday season is becoming more commercialized and starting earlier and earlier each year, I love it all the same.

What’s your favorite holiday?

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  1. I'm with you – there is a light and love about the holiday season that makes the air seem to sparkle with magic 🙂 My favorite holiday is Hanukkah – I adore its warmth and its message that miracles are possible if we only believe in them enough – and I also love New Year's Eve/Day and Thanksgiving.

    That picture of the Christmas tree you posted is beautiful!!

    • I agree about the magic in the air. It's just so sad that often times people overlook the beauty of the holiday season because of all the commercialism.

  2. I love the holiday season! I think I love Thanksgiving the best. It's such a warm and comforting holiday and I love telling my loved ones that I am thankful for them being a part of my life 🙂

  3. I am with you! I love the holidays so much! Summer is definitely my favorite time of the year, but the holiday season is a close second. I just love everything about it. 🙂

  4. Totally agree, I love this time of year. From Thanksgiving to New Years I feel like I have a permanent smile on my face. Also my birthday is the day after christmas, so that makes it even better. Except now that I'll be knocking down 29's door… I might be willing to skip over that day moving forward.

    • When I was a kid, my best friend's birthday was the day after Christmas and I was always so jealous because she got double presents! Birthdays are always great no matter what age you are!

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