Some Weekend Stuff

This weekend was pretty low key and spent with family. My cousin and aunt come to visit from Poland, so on Saturday we went to the airport to pick them up.

On Sunday my mom and I made dinner for everyone, but I failed to get any pictures of the good stuff we made.  For dinner we made really yummy ribs and eggplant parm with fried rice, roasted potatoes and a bunch of salads on the side.  For dessert I made molten cakes a la mode. I bought the lava cakes frozen from Trader Joe’s and all I had to do was heat em up in the microwave for 55 seconds.  I will definitely be repurchasing these because they were soo good!

On Monday, Munchkin and I had to wake up bright and early because he had an appointment to get his flu shot at his doctor’s office in Manhattan.  He wasn’t crazy about the shot, but he got a Spongebob sticker that made the tears stop as soon as he saw it.

Over the weekend, I got my first Klout Perk, and it’s not only so yummy, it supports a really great cause.

Two Degrees Bars are made of fruit, nuts and grains and come in three flavors – Apple Pecan, Cherry Almond and Chocolate Peanut.

If the taste alone wasn’t enough to make me want to go out and buy a box or two, for every bar you buy, Two Degrees donates a nutrition pack to a hungry child.

So far, I’ve only tried the fruit flavored bars and they taste like a big peice of fruit leather mixed with nuts and grains for a crunch. I was really surprised by how good they are because sometimes things that are good for you are not all that tasty, but this was not the case.


Since I missed two posts in my Thankful November list, I’m just going to do I, J and K today.

I is for ice cream.  I think this one is self explanatory, but I will say that Ben and Jerry’s is my favorite brand. I hope to visit the Ben and Jerry’s factory in Vermont one day.

J is for jokes. I am probably one of the least serious people in the world and every other word coming out of my mouth is some kind of joke. I’m also thankful for people who get my jokes because sometimes I’m just left with blank stares.

K is for kitties.  I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for Tommy and Munchkin, I’d be well on my way to being a crazy cat lady. I’m that person who smothers their friends’ cats and tries to make friends with the strays. A few summers ago, there were 4 or 5 stray kittens that would run around on my block and I was in kitty heaven.

Have a great Tuesday!

What did you do this weekend? What’s your favorite dessert?

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  1. This weekend I really didn't do much except relax and bake. 🙂 My favorite dessert is creme brulee or something containing chocolate and peanut butter. That is my favorite. Happy Tuesday!

    • I love creme brulee. There's a little pastry stop in Brooklyn that has he best creme brulee ever and I kind of want to go get some now!

    • I love brownies! Chocolate is my favorite thing ever. I could eat tons of it, but that wouldn't be particularly good for me. 😉

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