Even though I am a total night owl, I love being productive first thing in the morning because it makes the day so much longer and you get a ton of stuff done in the time you otherwise would’ve spent in bed. This morning was one of those productive mornings, seeing how it’s only noon and I’ve been to the supermarket, pharmacy, have cupcakes baking in the oven and chicken marinating for dinner.
I think part of my efficiency has to do with the fact that finals start next week and I need to get my butt in gear and do some extreme studying. Law school really isn’t bad, but the last weeks of it are so stressful because your whole grade for a class basically rides on one exam. Oh, and you’re basically competeing against your whole class for the best grade because the exam is curved. So yea, no pressure.
I’m going to run because my cupcakes are done, but I’ll be back manana with some good eats.
Have a great Tuesday!
Are you a early bird or a night owl?
I used to be a night owl back in the day and now I consider myself an early bird. I can never seem to sleep in.
I have the same problem. Even when I get a weekend without Alex, I seem to be up before 9AM. I think we're getting old.
I am a total early bird – always up writing and editing first thing in the morning. There's something so peaceful about the world that early
Good luck with your studying!!
I love getting work done when everyone is still asleep, be it at night or early morning. There's just something so peaceful about it. Thanks!
Good luck with your studying! I have to start studying for finals too. It starts next week already! I'm an early myself and I'm most productive in the morning. I get a lot of studying done in the morning whereas during the day I tend to get distracted alot. Haha.
Good luck with your finals! Luckily we are only a few tests away from a much deserved break.