2011 in Review

I can’t believe we are just one day away from 2012. Looking back on this day last year, I was doing the same exact thing – packing up my bags and heading to the Poconos to ring in the new year with great friends. I’m so excited to get away, relax and just have a great time.

A whole lot has happened in the last year, and looking back to January I can’t believe how much has changed, especially Munchkin.

In January, Munchkin turned the big 0-1 and my baby was officially a toddler.

In February, we ventured as far west as I’ve ever been, not counting a trip to California, to stay with Tommy at school during my ‘spring’ break. Have I ever mentioned how happy I am that he is now living four minutes, not four hours from my house.

March brought a lot of firsts for Munchkin. He had his first haircut, first trip to the zoo and got to paint for the first time.

We didn’t get to see the Cake Boss in April, but we did get to chow down on some of his pastries. The cannoli were so worth the wait! We celebrated Easter and got a visit from the Easter Bunny. Frolic Through Life was born!

Tommy graduated in May and left me for a month to travel the world, or maybe just to Poland. Munchkin and I went to Mexico, which was a ton of fun.

A lot of June was spent in the great state of Pennsylvania.

In July, Munchkin got his first pets, which only led to our first pet funeral a few days later. Those carnival fish never make it for long!

I saw Britney Spears in August. We also braved Hurricane Irene, which brought a lot of hype, but not much else.

We spent my birthday in Boston in September.

October brought pumpkin picking and, of course, Halloween!

Tommy and I celebrated our first anniversary in November.

December was all about the holidays. Christmas was great and I’m hoping the New Year will be the same!

I hope you all have a great New Year’s Eve and that the new year brings you lots of happiness!

What are some of your most memorable moments from 2011? What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?

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  1. Aww, you were in New Hope! I'm only about forty minutes from there and usually visit at least a couple times each year. Isn't it a lovely place?

    It sounds – and looks – like you had a really wonderful year. I hope 2012 brings you just as many special moments! 🙂

    • My boyfriend is from Morrisville so New Hope is pretty close when we visit the area. It's so gorgeous there, especially the ride up there along the river.

      Hope you had a good New Year's Eve and that 2012 brings you lots of great things!

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