Apple Cinnamon PB Crescents

In Poland, December 6th is Mikolajki, better known as St. Nicholas Day. St. Nicholas Day is the Catholic feast day of St. Nicholas that lived in the 4th century. St. Nicholas is basically the inspiration for our present day Santa Clause, and that means that we celebrate St. Nicholas Day with what else, but gifts and goodies. It’s the unofficial start of the holiday season in Poland.

Traditionally in Poland, kids put out their clean shoes and wake up on the morning of December 6th to find them full of candy and small gift.  I wanted to commemorate this Polish tradition with my two guys, so I baked up a yummy treat. I won’t be putting them in their shoes though, especially not Tommy’s work boots. If your shoes are clean on a job site, the workers don’t take you seriously because they think you’re the new guy. Needless to say, those shoes would not be cleaned.

I wanted to make something quick and easy because I’m spending most of my time studying, so I make Apple Cinnamon Peanut Butter Crescents. I used refrigerated crescent dough, PB & Co.’s Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Peanut Butter and some apples that I sprinkled with Apple Pie Spice and microwaved to soften.

All you do it unroll the dough, put down a teaspoon of PB and some apple mixture, roll up and bake for 12 minutes.

After they came out of the oven, I swirled some melted chocolate over the top.

A simple and yummy treat!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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  1. What a delicious, yet simple treat! I definitely want to try making these! 🙂 I love using crescent rolls. They are so versatile.

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