Birthday Season

Now that Christmas has come and gone, we are gearing up for the next two most important holidays of the year, Munchkin and Tommy’s birthdays. Both my boys were born only three days apart, making the December – January months a busy (and pricy) time for me.

I planned Tommy’s birthday a long time ago because I found a great package I couldn’t pass up. We will be spending three days in Vermont at a really cute Bed and Breakfast, relaxing and getting our ski on at Mount Snow! So excited! But before we head out for out getaway, we have to celebrate the Munchkin’s second birthday.

For his first birthday, we did a Dr. Seuss theme and I gave out Dr. Seuss books with a cute thank you poem, as party favors. This year, since he is going to be two and a big boy, we are going with a Cars theme. I thought it would be a good idea to check out Pinterest for some party ideas, but it’s left me with a ton of thing I want to do and make. I thought I’d share some of my favs.

Even though there are a ton of Cars themed invitations, I found this idea a lot time ago and I plan on using it. Hopefully Munchkin will cooperate!

I wasn’t happy with our cake last year. I wanted a Dr. Seuss theme, but couldn’t find a place to have it made, so I went to Coldstone and they drew the Cat in the Hat onto an ice cream cake.

For this year’s cake, my friend’s girlfriend will be making it. The girl really gives the cake boss a run for his money and makes some amazing looking cakes. I would like her to make something like this. It’s simple and super cute!

I also love the look of this table set up. I think I’m going to use this idea to make a drink/dessert table. In addition to the cake I’d like to make some cupcakes with cars toppers and use the water bottle wrapper idea.

Last year, I wanted to make personalized Jones Sodas as party favors but I waited too long to order them and they wouldn’t have arrived in time. Since I’ve got plenty more time this year, I think these will be the party favors.

All that’s left now is to put my ideas into action. I have a feeling I will be making some good friends at Michael’s over the next few weeks, but I couldn’t be more excited.

Have a great Wednesday!

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    • He's gonna pee his little pants when he sees the whole house decked out in Cars. I loved the first, but still haven't seen the second one.

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