Since I’m studying away on the last day before my Legislation and Regulation final, I thought I’d spare you the news of how I didn’t do much but study yesterday and share some of the things that I’ve been loving lately.
I’m loving… that it’s the holiday season. Even though I’m cooped up studying, seeing the houses in my neighborhood all lit up on my way home at night just puts a huge smile on my face. We’re also putting up our decorations over the weekend. We have our Christmas tree already, but it’s been banished to the garage for now.
I’m loving… holiday shopping. I love looking for meaningful gifts for my loved ones and knowing that there’s going to be a huge smile on their face when they open it on Christmas. No real picture here because I don’t want to ruin the surprise!
I’m loving… Bath and Body Works’ Vanilla Bean Noel. This stuff is my favorite seasonal smell in life. I always stock up on the body lotions when they’re on clearance after Christmas. I’m also loving BBW if general. I feel like the store has gone a long with since I was in high school and shopped there. They are constantly coming out with new great scents.
I’m loving… my iPad. Since my laptop is acting up like nuts, I’ve been doing all my studying and blog reading off the iPad lately. Hopefully apple can fix my laptop soon!
I’m loving… Big Lens. Big Lens is an app for my iPhone which in which you can edit your pictures to look like they were taken with a DSLR camera. It’s simple to use and makes a world of a difference in photos.
Before and After
And as always I’m loving… my two men because they make me smiiiiile. 🙂
Enjoy your Wednesday!
What are you loving?
I'm loving that it's cold outside today and the rain finally stopped! 🙂 Happy Thursday!
Rain is an understatement. It was monsooning out there! 😉