Sandwich King

Hey guys! I’m just stopping by with a quick post today because I have to go to WORK! Last week, I had an interview at a law office in Brooklyn, and I got the job! I’m starting training today at 1pm, and I’m excited and dreading it at the same time. I knew this day would eventually come, but I feel so bad leaving Munchkin behind and going to work. Any moms have tips on how to get over the mommy guilt? I don’t know my schedule yet, but I do know that I’m only going to be working around 20 hours a week, which leaves me with lots of time to spend with Munchkin, but it’s not making it any easier. Hopefully when I do get my work schedule, I’ll be able to plan out my schedule and have enough time to get my schoolwork done and still spend tons of time with the little guy.

Mooooving on. Yesterday, Tommy took the day off to rest up after our getaway and we spent the day just hanging out and relaxing before I had to go to school. We ran some errand and stopped at Target before getting some lunch. When Tommy used to work in Astoria, the guys would go to the Sandwich King for lunch regularly. They are known for their bomb sandwich, which is what we got.

The bomb is a 13 inch hero with salami, pepperoni, roast beef, ham, turkey, pastrami, mortadella, chicken, American & provolone cheese, & veggies. It’s not the healthiest sandwich, but it is quite yummy to enjoy once in a while. The hot peppers really make this sandwich for me, they give it a great kick. For under $10 you can get a great lunch for two. Can’t beat the price, especially not in NY.

Sal, Kris & Charlie's Deli on Urbanspoon

After four days of indulgences, I am happy to get back to my regular eating schedule. I’ll be back with a WIAW tomorrow with a bunch of healthier meals, promise!

Have a great Tuesday!

If you have kids, how do you get over the mommy guilt of having to leave them and go to work/school/life? What’s your favorite indulgent meal?

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  1. Congrats on the job–how exciting! Sorry I don't have any experience with mother's guilt; although I'm sure I would feel extremely guilty as well! I think that's normal.

  2. Congrats on your new job! That is great! I can imagine that you are feeling guilty but think of it this way, you are doing something positive to help yourself and your son out. In the long run, he will understand that you were working to give yourself and him a great life. 🙂 You will be okay.

    • Thank you! I know that its better for all of us in the long run, but it really stinks having to leave him! I'm just happy that I'm the only one having a hard time with it, Munchkin loves spending time with his grandpa!

  3. Congratulations on the job! I love the way Hope put it — remind yourself that you're doing this for the little guy and that it'll help provide for him in wonderful ways 🙂

  4. I know that dogs are no comparison to children (and not trying to compare Munchkin to my dog), but I still feel extraordinarily guilty every single time I leave my dog at home to go to work, go out, work out, etc. Congrats on the job though!

    • Your dog is your fur baby! Its hard leaving the little behind the little guys we love behind! Thanks. 🙂

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