WIAW on Thursday

Good morning! Or goodnight if your a night owl like me! On Tuesday night, I fell asleep putting Munchkin to bed, so I didn’t have a chance to blog. On the bright side, I did get a good night’s sleep. Today, technically yesterday, was my second day of work and the first day that I had to go to school after work. It was a looong, tough day, but I got through it and since I don’t work Fridays, I’m only a few hours away from the weekend.

Since I did document all of my eats on Tuesday, I thought I’d do a WIAWOT – what I ate Wednesday on Thursday!

For breakfast, numero uno, I made some old fashioned oats with Vermont maple syrup, bananas and chia seeds.

After breakfast, I ate a maple leaf candy thing that we got from the inn where we stayed over the weekend. It was really, really sweet so I only ended up eating on piece of the leaf.

Before I headed out to work, I had some leftover casserole that my mom made, for lunch. I don’t really know what’s in there except corn, kielbasa and noodles, but it was soo good!

Since I wasn’t expecting to be at work for too long, I didn’t bring anything to eat. When I got home I was starved and threw together a quick meal to quell my hunger. I started out with a bowl of chicken soup that my dad had made that day and rounded out my meal with a ham, cheese and spinach sandwich on Oatwheat bread with a side of peppers.

After my online class, Tommy, Munchkin and I took a trip to the supermarket where I encountered my greatest weakness, the Cadbury Creme Egg. I know that it hasn’t even been Valentine’s Day yet, but Creme Eggs are my favorite candy in life and anytime I see them at the store, I have to get one.


Since I was absolutely starving on Tuesday night after work, I knew I had to prep better for Wednesday, especially since I was going straight to school after work.

I made myself two ham, cheese and spinach sandwiches like I had for dinner the night before. I also brought a banana, Greek yogurt with honey, and a Clif Z Bar, which is basically a cookie in bar form. For hydration, I brought a Honest Green Tea, a Boathouse Green Goodness smoothie, and my mandatory morning coffee. I also brought a bottle of water, but I need to invest in a filtration type bottle because I drink a lot of water and I really don’t want to spend money to buy bottles of water.

It’s time for me to head to bed because I have to be up bright and early for Munchkin’s two year check up!

Have a great Thursday! Keep you fingers crossed for Munchkin because he is getting some shots today!

What’s your favorite “brown bag” lunch? What’s you guilty pleasure candy?

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  1. I love those Cadbury creme eggs! As soon as I saw them at the store I grabbed one each for Mike and I. It's funny how Valentine's Day is not even here yet and they have eggs out! I do love the Reese's Hearts. They are good! I also like Ferraro Roscher. I never get that though cause it's on the pricy side. Maybe this year I'll splurge. 🙂

    That casserole your mom made looks delicious! Good luck with Munchkin's checkup!

    • We got a whole box of Ferraro Roscher from my neighbors during the holidays. It was soo hard not to eat the whole thing in one sitting. Munchkin's checkup went great! 🙂

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