I’ve been wanting to do this survey since I saw it on Janetha’s blog a looong time ago. Better late than never, right?
A is for age: 24 years young!
B is for breakfast today: I made an eggwhich with jelly and American cheese. There was supposed to be turkey instead of jelly in my original plan until my dad reminded me its Friday. Lent = no meat on Fridays.
C is for currently craving: Chocolate – it’s been way too long.
D is for dinner tonight: I know I’m making fish. Not sure of the sides yet.
E is for favorite type of exercise: I can honestly say that the Bootcamp that I’m doing right now is my favorite. I’ve never been this excited to workout!
F is for an irrational fear: I’m kind of scared of the dark. In my head, dark house = people waiting to attack me.
G is for gross food: I really can’t think of anything that I’ve tried that I thought was really gross.
H is for hometown: New York City. Queens represent!
I is for something important: These are the two men are pretty important in my life.
J is for current favorite jam: I’ve been obsessed with the Song Workout by J. Cole. I blast it everytime is comes on, on the radio. For the edible kind of jam, strawberry all the way!
K is for kids: Just a Munchkin!
L is for current location: My couch in the living room.
M is for the most recent way you spent money: Ordered tickets to The Hunger Games for Saturday. I.AM.SO.EXCITED!!
N is for something you need: A new camera. I really want a DSLR but I don’t think it’s a good idea for me since I already carry around the world in my purse. I’m thinking something along the lines of a Canon S100 or Nikon 1. Any recommendations?
O is for occupation: Law School Student, Part time Legal Assistant, Full time Mommy.
P is for pet peeve: People who can’t drive and bikers who don’t follow traffic rules. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come thisclose to hitting a biker because of their own stupidity.
Q is for a quote:
R is for random fact about you: I met the President of Poland when I was little. My dad still has the newspaper clippings from it somewhere.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Baby carrots, bell peppers and hummus. I could eat them forever
T is for favorite treat: I love Cadbury Cream Eggs and ice cream and cupcakes.
U is for something that makes you unique: I’m pretty tall for a girl – 6’1. I don’t know why guys think telling me that I am tall is a good pick up line.
V is for favorite vegetable: Yellow or orange peppers.
W is for today’s workout: Week 3 Workout C from the Best Body Bootcamp – upper body supersets with cardio bursts in between.
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Had my leg x-rayed when I was like 3 and fell down the stairs, but nothing but dental x-rays since then.
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Getting out of class early and starting my weekend early!
Z is for your time zone: EST!
Have a great weekend!
P is for pet peeve. Q is for a quote. R is for random fact about you. Go!
I'm seeing The Hunger Games today, too — SO EXCITED!! 😀
How did you like it!? I LOVED it! 😀 😀